Grammar Quiz

English Grammar for everyone

10 Examples of Irregular Verbs! Verbs that don’t take the usual endings -d, -ed, or -ied to of the past tense (V2), also called second form and past participle (V3), also known as third form, are called irregular verbs. You might have been finding it difficult to learn them. Do not worry; this article on 10 examples of irregular verbs will help you understand how they form the past tense and past participle.

Must Learn: 180+ List of Irregular Verbs with V1 V2 V3 Forms

10 Examples of Irregular Verbs

10 Examples of Irregular Verbs

Below is the list of the top 10 irregular verbs in English with their past tense (V2) and Past participle (V3) forms.

  • Bless
  • Blow
  • Knit
  • Leap
  • Outgrow   
  • Shear
  • Shed
  • Sling
  • Undertake
  • Undo
Present Past Past Participle
Bless BlestBlest
Blow BlewBlown
Knit KnitKnit
Leap LeaptLeapt
Shear Sheared Shorn
Shed ShedShed
Sling SlungSlung
Undertake UndertookUndertaken
Undo UndidUndone

Definitions of Important Terms

Verb: Verbs are the asserting words. They express an action or state; without them, it is not possible to make a sentence. On the other hand, a sentence can be made of a single verb: Play. Push and Wait. These are one-word sentences.

Irregular Verbs: A verbthat does not follow the typical patterns for past tense or 2nd and past participle or third form is called an irregular verb. For example, the verbs grow, go, eat, sleep, etc. are irregular verbs.

Past Tense V2: A verb’s second form, or V2, is called the past tense. For example, went, played, ate, etc., are the past tense of verbs go, play, and eat, respectively.

Past Participle or V3: The third verb form is called the past participle. For example, eaten, gone, and pushed are the past participles of eat, go, and push, respectively.

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