Adjectives that Start with C! An adjective is a modifying word. It gives us additional information about the noun or pronoun—many adjectives that start with C to describe a person. If we include the comparative and superlative forms of every adjective in this list, we can develop an even more extensive list. This list contains 750+ adjectives beginning with C.
Learn: 750+ Adjectives that Start with B
What Are Adjectives that Start with C?
List of Adjectives that Start with Ca
- Cack-Handed
- Cacophonous
- Cadaverous
- Cagey
- Cajun
- Calamitous
- Calculated
- Calculating
- Calf-Length
- Calibrated
- Callous
- Callow
- Calm
- Calorific
- Calvinist
- Cambrian
- Camera-Shy
- Camp
- Campy
- Canadian
- Cancerous
- Candid
- Candied
- Candlelit
- Can-Do
- Candy-Striped
- Caned
- Canine
- Canned
- Cannibalistic
- Canny
- Canonical
- Cantankerous
- Capable
- Capacious
- Caped
- Capital
- Capitalist
- Capricious
- Captious
- Captivating
- Captive
- Carbon Neutral
- Carbonated
- Carbonic
- Carboniferous
- Carcinogenic
- Car-Crash
- Cardboard
- Cardiac
- Cardinal
- Cardiovascular
- Careers
- Carefree
- Careful
- Careless
- Careworn
- Caribbean
- Caring
- Carmine
- Carnal
- Carnivorous
- Carpeted
- Carroty
- Carry-On
- Carryout
- Carsick
- Cartesian
- Cased
- Cashless
- Cash-Strapped
- Castellated
- Cast-Iron
- Cast-Off
- Casual
- Cataclysmic
- Cataleptic
- Catalytic
- Catastrophic
- Catatonic
- Catch-All
- Catching
- Catchy
- Categorical
- Catering
- Cathartic
- Catholic
- Catty
- Caucasian
- Causal
- Causative
- Caustic
- Cautionary
- Cautious
- Cavalier
- Cavernous
- Ceaseless
- Celebrated
- Celebratory
- Celestial
- Celibate
- Cellular
- Celsius
- Celtic
- Center
- Centigrade
- Central
- Central African
- Central American
- Centrifugal
- Centripetal
- Centrist
- Ceramic
- Cerebral
- Ceremonial
- Ceremonious
- Cerise
- Certain
- Certifiable
- Certified
- Cervical
- Cesarean
- Cetacean
Adjectives that Start with Ch
- Chadian
- Chagrined
- Chalky
- Challenging
- Champion
- Chancy
- Changeable
- Changed
- Changeless
- Changing
- Chaotic
- Chapped
- Characteristic
- Characterless
- Chargeable
- Charged
- Chargrilled
- Charismatic
- Charitable
- Charmed
- Charming
- Charmless
- Charred
- Chartered
- Chary
- Chaste
- Chatty
- Chauvinist
- Chavvy
- Cheap
- Cheapo
- Cheap-Rate
- Checked
- Checkered
- Cheeky
- Cheerful
- Cheering
- Cheerless
- Cheery
- Cheesed Off
- Cheesy
- Chemical
- Cherry
- Cherubic
- Chestnut
- Chesty
- Chewy
- Chic
- Chichi
- Chicken
- Chief
- Child-Centered
- Child-Free
- Child-Friendly
- Childish
- Childless
- Childlike
- Childproof
- Chilean
- Chill
- Chilled
- Chilling
- Chilly
- Chimerical
- Chinese
- Chinless
- Chintzy
- Chipped
- Chipper
- Chippy
- Chirpy
- Chivalrous
- Chlorinated
- Chocka
- Chock-A-Block
- Chocker
- Chock-Full
- Chocolate-Box
- Chocolatey
- Choice
- Choked
- Choleric
- Choosy
- Choppy
- Choral
- Christian
- Chromatic
- Chrome Yellow
- Chromosomal
- Chronic
- Chronological
- Chubby
- Chuffed
- Chummy
- Chunky
- Churchy
- Churlish
- Cinematic
- Circuitous
- Circular
- Circumlocutory
- Circumspect
- Circumstantial
- Cissy
- Cistercian
- Citric
- Citywide
- Civic
- Civil
- Civilian
- Civilized
Adjectives that Start with Cl
- Clad
- Clairvoyant
- Clammy
- Clamorous
- Clandestine
- Clannish
- Clapped-Out
- Clarified
- Class
- Class-Conscious
- Classic
- Classical
- Classifiable
- Classified
- Classless
- Classy
- Claustrophobic
- Clayey
- Clean
- Clean Bowled
- Clean-Cut
- Clean-Limbed
- Clean-Shaven
- Cleansing
- Clear
- Clear-Cut
- Clear-Headed
- Clear-Sighted
- Clement
- Clerical
- Clever
- Clever-Clever
- Clichéd
- Cliché-Ridden
- Clickable
- Client-Server
- Climactic
- Climatic
- Climbing
- Clinging
- Clingy
- Clinical
- Clinically Depressed
- Clip-On
- Clipped
- Cliquey
- Clitoral
- Cloak-And-Dagger
- Clockwise
- Clodhopping
- Clogged
- Cloistered
- Close
- Close-Cropped
- Closed
- Close-Fitting
- Close-Grained
- Close-Knit
- Close-Set
- Closet
- Closing
- Cloth-Eared
- Clothed
- Cloud-Capped
- Cloudless
- Cloudy
- Cloven
- Cloying
- Clucky
- Clued Up
- Clueless
- Clumsy
- Cluttered
Adjectives that Begin with Co
- Coal Black
- Coal-Fired
- Coarse
- Coastal
- Coated
- Cobalt
- Cobbled
- Cockamamie
- Cocked
- Cockeyed
- Cockney
- Cocksure
- Cocky
- Coded
- Co-Educational
- Coequal
- Coercive
- Coeval
- Coffee-Colored
- Cogent
- Cognate
- Cognitive
- Cognizant
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coiffed
- Coiled
- Coincidental
- Coital
- Cold
- Cold-Blooded
- Cold-Eyed
- Cold-Hearted
- Colicky
- Collaborationist
- Collaborative
- Collapsed
- Collapsible
- Collateral
- Collect
- Collected
- Collective
- Collegiate
- Colloquial
- Collusive
- Colombian
- Colonial
- Colonialist
- Color
- Color-Blind
- Color-Coded
- Colored
- Color-Fast
- Colorful
- Colorless
- Colossal
- Coltish
- Comatose
- Combative
- Combustible
- Come-Hither
- Comely
- Comfortable
- Comforting
- Comfortless
- Comfy
- Comic
- Comical
- Coming
- Coming-Of-Age
- Commanding
- Commemorative
- Commendable
- Commensurate
- Commercial
- Commercialized
- Committed
- Commodious
- Common
- Common-Law
- Common-Or-Garden
- Commonplace
- Commonsensical
- Communal
- Communicable
- Communicative
- Communist
- Compact
- Companionable
- Comparable
- Comparative
- Compassionate
- Compatible
- Compelled
- Compelling
- Compensatory
- Competent
- Competitive
- Complacent
- Complaisant
- Complementary
- Complete
- Complex
- Compliant
- Complicated
- Complimentary
- Compos Mentis
- Composed
- Compostable
- Compound
- Comprehensible
- Comprehensive
- Compressible
- Compromising
- Compulsive
- Compulsory
- Computer-Animated
- Comradely
- Concave
- Concealed
- Conceited
- Conceivable
- Concentrated
- Concentric
- Conceptual
- Concerned
- Concerning
- Concerted
- Concessionary
- Conciliatory
- Concise
- Concluding
- Conclusive
- Concomitant
- Concrete
- Concurrent
- Concussed
- Condemnatory
- Condemned
- Condensed
- Condescending
- Conditional
- Conducive
- Conductive
- Confederate
- Confident
- confidential
- Confiding
- Confirmed
- Conflicted
- Conflicting
- Conformist
- Confounded
- Confrontational
- Confused
- Confusing
- Congealed
- Congenial
- Congenital
- Congested
- Congratulatory
- Congregational
- Congressional
- Congruent
- Conical
- Coniferous
- Conjectural
- Conjoined
- Conjugal
- Connected
- Connecting
- Conniving
- Connubial
- Conscience-Stricken
- Conscientious
- Conscious
- Conscript
- Consecrated
- Consecutive
- Consensual
- Consequent
- Conservative
- Considerable
- Considerate
- Considered
- Consistent
- Consolatory
- Consolidated
- Conspicuous
- Conspiratorial
- Constant
- Constipated
- Constituent
- Constitutional
- Constrained
- Constructive
- Consular
- Consultative
- Consulting
- Consuming
- Consummate
- Consumptive
- Contactable
- Contagious
- Contaminated
- Contemplative
- Contemporaneous
- Contemporary
- Contemptible
- Contemptuous
- Content
- Contented
- Contentious
- Contextual
- Contiguous
- Continent
- Continental
- Continental
- Contingent
- Continual
- Continued
- Continuous
- Contorted
- Contraband
- Contraceptive
- Contractile
- Contractual
- Contradictory
- Contrapuntal
- Contrary
- Contrasting
- Contributory
- Contrite
- Contrived
- Controversial
- Convalescent
- Convenient
- Conventional
- Convergent
- Conversant
- Conversational
- Converse
- Convertible
- Convex
- Convicted
- Convinced
- Convincing
- Convivial
- Convoluted
- Convulsive
- Cooked
- Cookie-Cutter
- Cooking
- Cool
- Coolheaded
- Cooling
- Cooped Up
- Cooperative
- Coordinated
- Copious
- Copper-Bottomed
- Coppery
- Coptic
- Copybook
- Copycat
- Coquettish
- Coral
- Cordial
- Cordless
- Cordon Bleu
- Corinthian
- Corked
- Corkscrew
- Cornball
- Corny
- Coronary
- Corporal
- Corporate
- Corporeal
- Corpulent
- Correct
- Correctional
- Corrective
- Corresponding
- Corroborating
- Corrosive
- Corrugated
- Corrupt
- Corruptible
- Coruscating
- Cosmetic
- Cosmic
- Cosmological
- Cosmopolitan
- Cost-Effective
- Costly
- Coterminous
- Cotton-Picking
- Cottony
- Countable
- Counterclockwise
- Counterfeit
- Counter-Intuitive
- Counterproductive
- Counter-Revolutionary
- Countervailing
- Countless
- Countrified
- Countrywide
- County
- Countywide
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Courtly
- Couth
- Covert
- Covetable
- Covetous
- Cowardly
- Coy
- Cozy
List of Adjectives Beginning with Cr
- Crabbed
- Crabby
- Crack
- Cracked
- Crackers
- Cracking
- Crackly
- Crackpot
- Crafty
- Craggy
- Crammed
- Cramped
- Cranial
- Cranky
- Crap
- Crappy
- Crash
- Crash-And-Burn
- Crass
- Cratered
- Craven
- Crazed
- Crazy
- Creaky
- Cream
- Creamy
- Creased
- Creative
- Credible
- Creditable
- Creditworthy
- Credulous
- Creeping
- Creepy
- Creole
- Crepuscular
- Crescent
- Crested
- Crestfallen
- Cretaceous
- Cricketing
- Criminal
- Crimson
- Cringe-Making
- Crinkled
- Crinkly
- Crippled
- Crippling
- Crisp
- Crispy
- Criss-Cross
- Critical
- Croatian
- Crocheted
- Crook
- Crooked
- Cross
- Cross-Border
- Crossbred
- Cross-Channel
- Cross-Country
- Cross-Eyed
- Cross-Hatched
- Cross-Legged
- Crosswise
- Crotchety
- Crotchless
- Crowded
- Crowning
- Crucial
- Cruciform
- Cruddy
- Crude
- Cruel
- Crumbly
- Crummy
- Crumpled
- Crunchy
- Crushing
- Crusted
- Crusty
- Crying
- Cryptic
- Crystalline
- Cuban
- Cubic
- Cubist
- Cuboid
- Cuckoo
- Cuddly
- Culinary
- Culpable
- Cult
- Cultivable
- Cultivated
- Cultural
- Cultured
- Cumbersome
- Cumulative
- Cuneiform
- Cunning
- Curable
- Curative
- Curbside
- Curious
- Curly
- Curmudgeonly
- Current
- Curricular
- Curried
- Cursed
- Cursive
- Cursory
- Curt
- Curvaceous
- Curved
- Curvy
- Cushy
- Cussed
- Custodial
- Customary
- Custom-Built
- Customer-Facing
- Customized
- Custom-Made
- Cute
- Cutesy
- Cut-Price
- Cut-Rate
- Cut-Throat
- Cutting
- Cutting-Edge
- Cyclical
- Cylindrical
- Cynical
- Cypriot
- Cyrillic