A powerful list of adjectives that start with M! Adjectives are words that can describe anything around you, i.e. a word is considered to be an adjective when it adds some description to a noun. This ultimate list of adjectives starting with m includes 720+ adjectives you can use to describe a person, place, event, etc. I hope that you were able to find exactly what you needed in this list of adjectives beginning with the letter M that will help you expand your vocabulary.
Must Learn: Adjectives that Start with L
What are Adjectives that Start with M (A-Z List)?
Below is the most valuable adjectives list starting with M in English. It is helpful for more advanced vocabulary building and can help to improve your English quickly.
- Macaber
- Macabre
- Machiavellian
- Machine-Readable
- Macho
- Macled
- Macrobiotic
- Macrural
- Macular
- Mad
- Madcap
- Maddened
- Maddening
- Maddish
- Made-To-Measure
- Made-Up
- Maenadic
- Mafic
- Magenta
- Maggoty
- Magic
- Magical
- Magisterial
- Magmatic
- Magnanimous
- Magnesic
- Magnetic
- Magnific
- Magnificent
- Maiden
- Maidenly
- Maidish
- Maieutic
- Maigre
- Mailable
- Mailless
- Main
- Mainland
- Mainline
- Mainstream
- Majestic
- Major
- Makable
- Make-Or-Break
- Makeshift
- Maladjusted
- Maladroit
- Malagasy
- Malarial
- Malawian
- Male
- Malefic
- Malevolent
- Malfed
- Malformed
- Malian
- Malic
- Malicious
- Malign
- Malignant
- Malleable
- Malmy
- Malnourished
- Malodorous
- Malposed
- Malty
- Mammalian
- Mammary
- Mammate
- Mammoth
- Manageable
- Managerial
- Manatoid
- Mancunian
- Mandalic
- Mandatory
- Man-Eating
- Maned
- Manful
- Manganic
- Mangey
- Mangled
- Mangy
- Maniacal
- Manic
- Manicured
- Manifold
- Manila
- Manipulative
- Manky
- Manless
- Manlike
- Manly
- Manmade
- Mannered
- Mannerly
- Mannish
- Mannitic
- Manoeuvrable
- Manorial
- Manpack
- Manque
- Man-Sized
- Mantic
- Man-To-Man
- Mantric
- Manual
- Manuary
- Manurial
- Manx
- Many
- Many-Sided
- Maoist
- Maori
- Mapless
- Maplike
- Mappable
- Marasmic
- Marathon
- Marauding
- Marbled
- Marbly
- Marengo
- Margaric
- Marginal
- Marine
- Marital
- Maritime
- Marked
- Marketable
- Marlitic
- Marly
- Maroon
- Marooned
- Marquee
- Marriageable
- Married
- Marrowy
- Marshallese
- Marshed
- Marshy
- Martial
- Martian
- Martyred
- Martyrly
- Marvellous
- Marvy
- Marxist-Leninist
- Mascaraed
- Masculine
- Mashed
- Maskable
- Masked
- Masklike
- Masochistic
- Masonic
- Mass
- Massed
- Massive
- Massless
- Mass-Produced
- Massy
- Master
- Masterful
- Masterly
- Mastitic
- Mastless
- Mastlike
- Masturbatory
- Matching
- Matchless
- Mateless
- Material
- Materialist
- Materialistic
- Maternal
- List of Adjectives Starting with G
- Maternity
- Matey
- Mathematical
- Matinal
- Matless
- Matriarchal
- Matrimonial
- Matronal
- Matronly
- Matt
- Matted
- Matter-Of-Fact
- Mattery
- Mature
- Maudlin
- Mauritian
- Mausy
- Mauve
- Mauzy
- Mawkish
- Maximal
- Maximum
- Mayan
- Mayoral
- Mazelike
- Mazy
Adjectives that Start with Me
- Meadowy
- Meagre
- Mealless
- Mealy
- Mealy-Mouthed
- Mean
- Meandering
- Meaningful
- Meaningless
- Means-Tested
- Measled
- Measly
- Measurable
- Measured
- Meatal
- Meat-And-Potatoes
- Meated
- Meatless
- Meaty
- Mechanical
- Mechanistic
- Mechanized
- Medallic
- Meddlesome
- Mediaeval
- Median
- Medical
- Medicated
- Medicinal
- Medieval
- Mediocre
- Meditative
- Mediterranean
- Medium
- Medullar
- Medusal
- Meek
- Meet-And-Greet
- Mega
- Megalithic
- Megalomaniac
- Meh
- Meikle
- Meiotic
- Melancholic
- Melancholy
- Melanian
- Melanous
- Melic
- Mellific
- Mellifluous
- Mellow
- Melodic
- Melodious
- Melodramatic
- Melony
- Meltable
- Melted
- Melting
- Melty
- Membered
- Memetic
- Memorable
- Memorial
- Menacing
- Mendable
- Mendacious
- Mendicant
- Menial
- Meniscal
- Menopausal
- Mensal
- Menschy
- Menseful
- Menstrual
- Mensural
- Mental
- Mentholated
- Menu-Driven
- Mephitic
- Mercantile
- Mercapto
- Mercenary
- Merciful
- Merciless
- Mercurial
- Mercuric
- Mere
- Merest
- Meretricious
- Meristic
- Meritorious
- Meropic
- Merry
- Mesarch
- Meshuga
- Meshugah
- Meshugga
- Meshugge
- Meshy
- Mesial
- Mesian
- Mesic
- Mesmeric
- Mesmerizing
- Mesonic
- Messed-Up
- Messianic
- Messy
- Meta
- Metabolic
- Metafictional
- Metalled
- Metallic
- Metallurgical
- Metamorphic
- Metaphorical
- Metaphysical
- Metazoal
- Meteoric
- Meteorological
- Methodic
- Methodical
- Methodist
- Methodological
- Methoxy
- Methoxyl
- Methylic
- Meticulous
- Metonymic
- Me-Too
- Metopic
- Metric
- Metrical
- Metro
- Metropolitan
- Mettled
- Meuniere
- Mexican
List of Adjectives that Start with Mi (128 Adjectives)
- Miasmal
- Micellar
- Mickle
- Micro
- Microbic
- Microbiological
- Microcap
- Micronesian
- Microscopic
- Microwaveable
- Mid-Air
- Midcap
- Middle
- Middle Eastern
- Middle-Aged
- Middlebrow
- Middle-Class
- Middle-Of-The-Road
- Middling
- Midget
- Midlands
- Midmorning
- Midship
- Midshore
- Midsize
- Midsized
- Midterm
- Midweek
- Midwestern
- Miffed
- Miffy
- Mighty
- Mignonne
- Migratory
- Milch
- Milchig
- Mild
- Mildewed
- Mildewy
- Mildish
- Mild-Mannered
- Milesian
- Miliary
- Militant
- Militaristic
- Militarized
- Military
- Milkless
- Milky
- Millable
- Millennial
- Milty
- Mim
- Mimetic
- Mimetic
- Mimical
- Minable
- Minatory
- Minced
- Mincing
- Mincy
- Mind-Altering
- Mind-Blowing
- Mind-Boggling
- Mindful
- Mindless
- Mind-Numbing
- Mineable
- Mineral
- Minging
- Mingy
- Miniature
- Miniaturized
- Minimal
- Minimalist
- Minimum
- Miniscule
- Ministerial
- Minor
- Mint
- Minty
- Minus
- Minuscule
- Minute
- Minutial
- Minxish
- Miraculous
- Mired
- Mirk
- Mirky
- Mirthful
- Mirthless
- Miry
- Misanthropic
- Misbegot
- Misbegotten
- Miscellaneous
- Mischievous
- Miscible
- Misconceived
- Miserable
- Miserly
- Misguided
- Misleading
- Misogynist
- Misplaced
- Missable
- Misshapen
- Misshod
- Missing
- Mistakable
- Mistaken
- Mistrustful
- Misty
- Misty-Eyed
- Mitigating
- Mitotic
- Mitral
- Mittened
- Mity
- Mixable
- Mixed
- Mixed-Ability
- Mixed-Race
- Mixed-Up
- Mizzly
- Mizzly
- Mnemonic
Adjectives that Start with Mo
- Moanful
- Moated
- Moatlike
- Mobbish
- Mobile
- Mobled
- Mock
- Mockable
- Mocking
- Mock-Tudor
- Moderate
- Modern
- Modern-Day
- Modernist
- Modernistic
- Modest
- Modish
- Modular
- Moguled
- Moist
- Moistful
- Molal
- Moldable
- Moldovan
- Moldy
- Molecular
- Moline
- Molten
- Molybdic
- Momentary
- Momentous
- Monachal
- Monadal
- Monarchic
- Monastic
- Monaural
- Monaxial
- Monecian
- Monetarist
- Monetary
- Moneyed
- Money-Grubbing
- Money-Minded
- Mongrel
- Monic
- Monie
- Monied
- Monistic
- Monitive
- Monkish
- Mono
- Monobloc
- Monochromatic
- Monochrome
- Monocled
- Monodic
- Monogamous
- Monogerm
- Monogrammed
- Monolingual
- Monolithic
- Monomaniac
- Monomaniacal
- Monopolistic
- Monosyllabic
- Monotheistic
- Monotonous
- Monounsaturated
- Monozygotic
- Monster
- Monstrous
- Monthly
- Montserratian
- Monumental
- Mony
- Moody
- Moonish
- Moonless
- Moonlike
- Moonlit
- Moonlit
- Moony
- Moorish
- Moory
- Moot
- Mopey
- Mopish
- Moppy
- Morainal
- Moral
- Moralistic
- Morassy
- Moratory
- Morbid
- Morbific
- Mordant
- More
- Moreish
- Moreover
- Moribund
- Morish
- Moronic
- Morose
- Morphic
- Morphological
- Morse
- Mortal
- Mortary
- Mortified
- Mortifying
- Morular
- Moschate
- Mosslike
- Mossy
- Motey
- Moth-Eaten
- Motherless
- Motherly
- Mothery
- Mothlike
- Mothproof
- Mothy
- Motific
- Motile
- Motional
- Motionless
- Motivated
- Motivational
- Motive
- Motiveless
- Motivic
- Motley
- Motor
- Motoric
- Motoring
- Motorized
- Mottled
- Mouille
- Mouldy
- Mountainous
- Mounted
- Mounting
- Mournful
- Mousy
- Mouth breathing
- Mouth-Watering
- Mouthy
- Movable
- Moved
- Moveless
- Moviegoing
- Moving
- Mozambican
- Mucho
- Mucid
- Mucinoid
- Mucky
- Mucoidal
- Mucosal
- Mucose
- Mucous
- Muddled
- Muddle-Headed
- Muddly
- Muddy
- Muffled
- Muggy
- Mulish
- Mullered
- Mullioned
- Mullocky
- Multiage
- Multicar
- Multicellular
- Multicultural
- Multiday
- Multi-Dimensional
- Multi-Disciplinary
- Multi-Ethnic
- Multi-Faceted
- Multifarious
- Multifid
- Multijet
- Multilateral
- Multilingual
- Multimedia
- Multinational
- Multiple
- Multiple-Choice
- Multipurpose
- Multiracial
- Multi-Storey
- Multiton
- Multiuse
- Multiway
- Mum
- Mumbly
- Mumpish
- Mumsy
- Munchy
- Mundane
- Municipal
- Munificent
- Muntined
- Muonic
- Muraled
- Murderous
- Muriated
- Muricate
- Murk
- Murky
- Murrhine
- Murrine
- Muscle-Bound
- Muscly
- Muscular
- Museful
- Mushy
- Musical
- Musky
- Muslim
- Muslined
- Muss
- Mussy
- Mustachioed
- Mustardy
- Must-Have
- Musty
- Mutable
- Mutative
- Mute
- Muted
- Muticous
- Mutinous
- Muttony
- Mutual
- Mutular
- Muzzy
- Myalgic
- Mycotic
- Myelinic
- Myeloid
- Myogenic
- Myoid
- Myologic
- Myopic
- Myotonic
- Myriad
- Myrrhic
- Myrrhy
- Mysterious
- Mystical
- Mystifying
- Mythic
- Mythical
- Mythological
- Mythy
- Myxoid
List of Adjectives that Start with M Images
- Adjectives that Start with S
- Adjectives that Start with NÂ
- 119 Adjectives that Start with K
- Adjectives that Start with A to Describe a Person
- Adjectives that Start with G to Describe a Person