Adjectives that Start with P! Are you looking to find a massive list of adjectives that start with P? Adjectives are words that modify nouns or pronouns. They make the nouns and pronouns more specific and give you more detail about them. For example, peaceful, pretty, powerful, and precise are adjectives because they can describe thingsāa peaceful family, a powerful army, and a pretty girl. Adjectives take many forms. There are lots of different adjectives starting with the letter P and positive adjectives that start with p, such as peaceful, perfect, placid, playful, polite, popular, and a lot more. This list includes 1200+ adjectives that start with p.
List of Adjectives that Start with P
The adjectives that start with p can belong to the following different categories.
Positive Adjectives that Start with P, such as participant and particular
Negative Adjectives that Start with P
Descriptive adjectives that Start with P, such as passive and peaceful
Adjectives that start with P to Describe a Person
Blow is a helpful list of adjectives that start with P in English with pictures that will help you broaden your vocabulary words.
- Pabular
- Pacey
- Pacific
- Packable
- Packed
- Pacy
- Padded
- Paediatric
- Paeonic
- Pagan
- Paganish
- Paginal
- Paid
- Paid-Up
- Pained
- Painful
- Painkilling
- Painless
- Painstaking
- Painty
- Pajamaed
- Pakistani
- Palaced
- Palaeolithic
- Palatable
- Palatial
- Pale
- Paleal
- Paleate
- Paleolithic
- Palestinian
- Palish
- Palladic
- Pallial
- Palliative
- Pallid
- Pally
- Palmar
- Palmary
- Palmate
- Palmated
- Palmlike
- Palmy
- Palpable
- Palpal
- Palsy
- Paltry
- Paludal
- Paly
- Pampered
- Panacean
- Pancreatic
- Pandemic
- Paned
- Paneless
- Panhuman
- Panicky
- Panicled
- Panic-Stricken
- Panlike
- Panoptic
- Panoramic
- Pantheist
- Pantheistic
- Pantiled
- Pants
- Papal
- Papayan
- Papery
- Papist
- Pappose
- Pappy
- Papular
- Papyral
- Parabolic
- Paradigmatic
- Paradoxical
- Paraguayan
- Parallel
- Paralympian
- Paralysed
- Paralytic
- Paramilitary
- Paramount
- Paranoid
- Paranormal
- Paraplegic
- Parasitic
- Parched
- Pardine
- Pardonable
- Parental
- Parental
- Parenthetical
- Pareve
- Parfocal
- Parhelic
- Parisian
- Parklike
- Parky
- Parlando
- Parlante
- Parliamentary
- Parlous
- Parochial
- Parodic
- Parotic
- Parous
- Parroty
- Parsable
- Parsi
- Parsimonious
- Parsleyed
- Parsonic
- Part
- Parted
- Partial
- Partible
- Participatory
- Particular
- Parting
- Partisan
- Partite
- Part-Time
- Parve
- Passable
- Passable
- Passant
- Passee
- Pass-Fail
- Passible
- Passing
- Passionate
- Passionless
- Passive
- Passless
- Past
- Pastel
- Pastless
- Pastoral
- Pastorly
- Pastural
- Pasty
- Pasty-Faced
- Pat
- Patagial
- Patchy
- Pated
- Patellar
- Patent
- Paternal
- Paternalistic
- Pathetic
- Pathless
- Pathogenic
- Pathological
- Patient
- Patinaed
- Patonce
- Patriarchal
- Patrician
- Patrilineal
- Patriotic
- Patronizing
- Patterned
- Patulent
- Patulous
- Paty
- Paughty
- Paunched
- Paunchy
- Pausal
- Paveed
- Pavid
- Pavonine
- Pawky
- Pawnable
- Payable
- Pay-As-You-Go
List of Adjectives that Start with Pe (178 Pe Adjectives)
- Pea-Brained
- Peaceable
- Peaceful
- Peace-Loving
- Peach
- Peachy
- Peacocky
- Peak
- Peaked
- Peakish
- Peakless
- Peaklike
- Peaky
- Pealike
- Pearly
- Pear-Shaped
- Peart
- Peasanty
- Peaty
- Pebbled
- Pebbly
- Peccable
- Peccant
- Peckish
- Pecky
- Pectic
- Pectoral
- Peculiar
- Pecuniary
- Pedagogic
- Pedal
- Pedantic
- Pedate
- Pedestrian
- Pediatric
- Pedicled
- Pediform
- Peelable
- Peerless
- Peeved
- Peevish
- Pegless
- Peglike
- Pejorative
- Pelagial
- Pelitic
- Pelletal
- Pelleted
- Pellucid
- Pelon
- Pelorian
- Peltate
- Peltless
- Pelvic
- Penal
- Pencil
- Pencilled
- Pencil-Thin
- Pendant
- Pending
- Pendular
- Pendulous
- Penetrating
- Penetrative
- Penial
- Penitent
- Pennate
- Pennated
- Penniless
- Pennoned
- Penny-Ante
- Penny-Pinching
- Pensile
- Pensionable
- Pensive
- Pent
- Pentecostal
- Pentomic
- Pent-Up
- Penultimate
- Peplumed
- Pepper-And-Salt
- Peppery
- Perigeal
- Peppy
- Peptidic
- Peptonic
- Perceptible
- Perineal
- Perceptive
- Period
- Percipient
- Periodic
- Percussive
- Periotic
- Peremptory
- Perennial
- Perfect
- Perfidious
- Perforated
- Peripatetic
- Perfumed
- Perfumy
- Perfunctory
- Peridial
- Perilous
- Peripheral
- Perishable
- Perished
- Perishing
- Perjured
- Perkish
- Perky
- Perlitic
- Permanent
- Permeable
- Permeant
- Permissible
- Permissive
- Pernicious
- Pernickety
- Peroneal
- Peroral
- Peroxy
- Perpendicular
- Perpetual
- Perplexed
- Perplexing
- Persevering
- Persian
- Persistent
- Persnickety
- Personable
- Personal
- Personalized
- Personified
- Person-To-Person
- Perspicacious
- Perspire
- Perspiry
- Persuasive
- Pert
- Pertinacious
- Pertinent
- Perturbed
- Peruked
- Peruvian
- Pervasive
- Perverse
- Perverted
- Pervious
- Pervy
- Pescetarian
- Pesky
- Pessimistic
- Pesty
- Pet
- Petaled
- Petaline
- Petaloid
- Petalous
- Petiolar
- Petioled
- Petit
- Petit Bourgeois
- Petite
- Petrified
- Petroleum-Based
- Petrolic
- Petrous
- Pettable
- Pettifogging
- Pettish
- Petty
- Petulant
- Pewtery
Adjectives that Start with Ph (54 Pe Adjectives)
- Phallic
- Phallocentric
- Phantom
- Pharmaceutical
- Phaseal
- Phat
- Phat
- Phatic
- Phenetic
- Phenomenal
- Phenoxy
- Phenylic
- Philandering
- Philanthropic
- Philharmonic
- Philippine
- Philological
- Philosophical
- Phimotic
- Phlegmatic
- Phlegmy
- Phobic
- Phocine
- Phonal
- Phonemic
- Phonetic
- Phoney
- Phonic
- Phonological
- Phony
- Phoretic
- Phosphorescent
- Phosphoric
- Photic
- Photochemical
- Photocopiable
- Photoelectric
- Photogenic
- Photographic
- Photonic
- Photopic
- Photosensitive
- Phrasal
- Phratral
- Phreatic
- Phrenic
- Phthalic
- Phylar
- Phyletic
- Phylic
- Physical
- Physiological
- Phytoid
- Phytonic
Adjectives that Start with Pi (103 Adjectives)
- Piacular
- Pial
- Pianic
- Pical
- Picante
- Picayune
- Piceous
- Piciform
- Pickable
- Pickled
- Pickling
- Picky
- Pick-Your-Own
- Picnicky
- Picrated
- Picric
- Picritic
- Pictorial
- Picture-Postcard
- Picturesque
- Piddling
- Piddly
- Piebald
- Piecemeal
- Pied
- Pie-Eyed
- Piercing
- Piezo
- Piezoelectric
- Piffling
- Pigeon-Chested
- Pigeon-Toed
- Piggish
- Piggy
- Pigheaded
- Piglike
- Pigmented
- Pigmy
- Pilar
- Pileate
- Pileated
- Pileless
- Pileous
- Piliform
- Pillowy
- Pilose
- Pilot
- Pilous
- Pilular
- Pily
- Pimpled
- Pimply
- Pinched
- Pindling
- Pinelike
- Piney
- Pinguid
- Pink
- Pink-Collar
- Pinkish
- Pinky
- Pinless
- Pinnal
- Pinnate
- Pinnated
- Pinnular
- Pinpoint
- Pinstriped
- Pint-Size
- Piny
- Pioneering
- Pionic
- Pious
- Pipeless
- Pipelike
- Pipless
- Pipy
- Piquant
- Piqued
- Pirated
- Piratic
- Piratical
- Piriform
- Piscinal
- Piscine
- Pissed
- Piss-Poor
- Pitched
- Pitchy
- Piteous
- Pithless
- Pithy
- Pitiable
- Pitiful
- Pitiless
- Pitiless
- Pitted
- Pivotal
- Pixellated
- Pixieish
- Pixyish
- Pizazzy
- Pizzicato
List of Adjectives that Start with Pl (98 Adjectives)
- Placable
- Placatory
- Placid
- Plagal
- Plaguey
- Plaguy
- Plaided
- Plain
- Plain-Clothes
- Plain-Spoken
- Plaintive
- Plain-Vanilla
- Planar
- Planate
- Plane
- Planetary
- Plangent
- Planktic
- Planless
- Plantar
- Plant-Derived
- Planular
- Plashy
- Plasmic
- Plastered
- Plastery
- Plastic
- Plastral
- Platinic
- Platitudinous
- Platonic
- Platy
- Plausible
- Plausive
- Playable
- Played-Out
- Playful
- Playless
- Playlike
- Pleading
- Pleasant
- Pleased
- Pleasing
- Pleasurable
- Pleated
- Plebby
- Plebeian
- Pleistocene
- Plenary
- Plenipotentiary
- Plentiful
- Pleonal
- Pleural
- Plexal
- Pliable
- Pliant
- Plical
- Plicate
- Plicated
- Plinky
- Pliocene
- Plodding
- Plotless
- Plotty
- Ploughed
- Plowable
- Plucky
- Plugless
- Plug-Ugly
- Plum
- Plumaged
- Plumate
- Plumb
- Plumbic
- Plumbous
- Plumed
- Plumlike
- Plummy
- Plumose
- Plump
- Plumpish
- Plumpy
- Plumular
- Plumy
- Plunging
- Plunky
- Pluperfect
- Plural
- Pluralist
- Plus
- Plush
- Plushed
- Plushy
- Plutocratic
- Plutonic
- Pluvian
- Pluviose
- Pluvious
- Pneumatic
Adjectives that Begin with Po
- Poaceous
- Poachy
- Pocket-Handkerchief
- Pocket-Sized
- Pockmarked
- Pocky
- Podagral
- Podgy
- Poditic
- Podlike
- Podocarp
- Podzolic
- Poetic
- Poetical
- Poetless
- Poetlike
- Po-Faced
- Poignant
- Point
- Pointed
- Pointillist
- Pointless
- Pointy
- Poised
- Poisonous
- Pokable
- Poker-Faced
- Poky
- Polar
- Poleless
- Polemical
- Polish
- Polished
- Polite
- Politic
- Pollical
- Polo-Necked
- Polyadic
- Polydrug
- Polyenic
- Polygamous
- Polyglot
- Polygyne
- Polymorphous
- Polynesian
- Polyphonic
- Polypoid
- Polypous
- Polysemous
- Polysyllabic
- Polytene
- Polytheistic
- Polyunsaturated
- Polyuric
- Polyzoic
- Pommee
- Pompous
- Ponchoed
- Poncy
- Ponderous
- Ponent
- Pongy
- Pontific
- Pontine
- Poopy
- Poor
- Poorish
- Poorly
- Pop
- Popeless
- Pop-Eyed
- Poplitic
- Poppied
- Popply
- Poppy
- Popular
- Populous
- Porched
- Porcine
- Pork-Barrel
- Porky
- Porny
- Porose
- Porous
- Porrect
- Porridgy
- Portable
- Portaled
- Portentous
- Portless
- Portly
- Portmanteau
- Portrait
- Portuguese
- Posable
- Posey
- Posh
- Positional
- Positive
- Poss
- Possessed
- Possessive
- Possible
- Postal
- Postanal
- Postbase
- Postburn
- Post-Coital
- Postcoup
- Postdive
- Postdrug
- Posted
- Posterior
- Postfire
- Post-Free
- Postgame
- Postgrad
- Postgraduate
- Posthumous
- Post-Industrial
- Post-Modern
- Postnatal
- Postnuptial
- Post-Operative
- Postoral
- Postpartum
- Postprandial
- Postpunk
- Postrace
- Postriot
- Postseason
- Postshow
- Posttax
- Postural
- Post-War
- Potamic
- Potassic
- Potatory
- Potbellied
- Pot-Bound
- Potent
- Potential
- Potholed
- Potlike
- Potted
- Potty
- Potty-Trained
- Pouchy
- Poufed
- Pouffed
- Pourable
- Poutful
- Pouty
- Poverty-Stricken
- Powdered
- Powdery
- Powdery
- Powerful
- Powerless
- Poxy
List of Adjectives Starting with Pr
- Practic
- Practicable
- Practical
- Practised
- Practising
- Praedial
- Pragmatic
- Praiseworthy
- Prandial
- Prankish
- Preachy
- Preaged
- Preanal
- Prearranged
- Preaxial
- Prebasal
- Preboom
- Prebuilt
- Precambrian
- Precancerous
- Precarious
- Precast
- Precautionary
- Precaval
- Preceding
- Precieux
- Precious
- Precipitate
- Precipitous
- Precise
- Precited
- Precocious
- Precognitive
- Pre-Columbian
- Preconceived
- Precooked
- Precoup
- Precrash
- Predatory
- Predestined
- Predetermined
- Predial
- Predicative
- Predictable
- Predictive
- Predigested
- Predisposed
- Predive
- Predominant
- Predraft
- Pre-Eminent
- Pre-Emptive
- Pre-Existing
- Prefabricated
- Prefatory
- Preferable
- Preferential
- Preferred
- Prefight
- Prefixal
- Preflame
- Preggers
- Pregnant
- Prehensile
- Prehistoric
- Prejudiced
- Prejudicial
- Prelatic
- Prelaw
- Prelegal
- Preliminary
- Preliterate
- Prelunch
- Premade
- Premarital
- Premature
- Premeal
- Premeditated
- Premeet
- Premenstrual
- Premier
- Premium
- Premolt
- Premoral
- Premorse
- Premotor
- Premune
- Prenatal
- Prenoon
- Prenuptial
- Preoccupied
- Preoral
- Preowned
- Prepacked
- Prepaid
- Preparatory
- Prepared
- Pre-Pay
- Prepense
- Prepill
- Preplant
- Preponderant
- Prepositional
- Prepossessing
- Preposterous
- Preppy
- Prepress
- Pre-Pubescent
- Prepupal
- Prerace
- Preradio
- Pre-Raphaelite
- Prerenal
- Preriot
- Prerock
- Presbyterian
- Preschool
- Prescient
- Prescribed
- Prescriptive
- Pre-Season
- Present
- Presentable
- Present-Day
- Preset
- Preshrunk
- Presidential
- Presiding
- Presleep
- Presong
- Presplit
- Pressed
- Pressing
- Pressurized
- Prestige
- Prestigious
- Prestressed
- Presumptuous
- Pretax
- Pre-Teen
- Pretended
- Pretentious
- Preternatural
- Pretty
- Pretty-Pretty
- Prevailing
- Prevalent
- Preventable
- Preventive
- Previous
- Pre-War
- Preworn
- Priapean
- Priapic
- Price-Conscious
- Priceless
- Price-Sensitive
- Pricey
- Prickly
- Pricky
- Pricy
- Prideful
- Priestly
- Priestly
- Priggish
- Prim
- Primaeval
- Primal
- Primary
- Prime
- Primeval
- Primitive
- Primordial
- Primsie
- Princely
- Principal
- Principled
- Printable
- Printed
- Prior
- Prissy
- Pristine
- Private
- Privileged
- Privy
- Prize
- Prized
- Prize-Winning
- Pro
- Proactive
- Pro-Am
- Probable
- Probationary
- Probing
- Probiotic
- Problematic
- Procedural
- Processed
- Processional
- Prochain
- Prochein
- Pro-Choice
- Procreative
- Prodigal
- Prodigious
- Productive
- Proemial
- Profane
- Professed
- Professional
- Professorial
- Proficient
- Profligate
- Proforma
- Profound
- Profuse
- Prograde
- Programmable
- Progressive
- Progun
- Prohibitive
- Projected
- Projectile
- Prolabor
- Prolapsed
- Prolate
- Proletarian
- Pro-Life
- Prolific
- Prolix
- Prolonged
- Prominent
- Promising
- Promotional
- Prompt
- Prone
- Pronominal
- Pronounced
- Proof
- Propagandist
- Propense
- Propenyl
- Proper
- Prophetic
- Prophylactic
- Propitiatory
- Propitious
- Proportional
- Proportioned
- Proposed
- Proprietary
- Proprietorial
- Propylic
- Prosaic
- Prosodic
- Prosomal
- Prospective
- Prosperous
- Prosthetic
- Prostrate
- Prosy
- Protatic
- Protean
- Protected
- Protectionist
- Protective
- Protestant
- Protonic
- Protozoan
- Protracted
- Protrade
- Protuberant
- Proud
- Proudful
- Prounion
- Provable
- Proven
- Proverbial
- Provident
- Providential
- Provincial
- Proviral
- Provisional
- Provocative
- Prow
- Pro-War
- Proxemic
- Proximal
- Proximo
- Prudent
- Prudish
- Pruinose
- Prunable
- Pruney
- Prurient
- Pruritic
- Prussic
Adjectives Start with Ps
- Psalmic
- Pseudonymous
- Pseudy
- Psilotic
- Psionic
- Psoatic
- Psychedelic
- Psychiatric
- Psychic
- Psychical
- Psycho
- Psychoanalytic
- Psychokinetic
- Psychological
- Psychopathic
- Psychosomatic
- Psychotic
- Ptotic
- Puberal
- Pubescent
- Pubic
- Public
- Public-Spirited
- Puce
- Pucka
- Puckery
- Puckish
- Puddingy
- Puddly
- Pudendal
- Pudgy
- Pudibund
- Pudic
- Puerile
- Puffy
- Puggish
- Puggy
- Pugnacious
- Puissant
- Pukey
- Pukka
- Pukkah
- Pulchritudinous
- Pulicene
- Pull-Out
- Pulmonary
- Pulmonic
- Pulpal
- Pulpital
- Pulpless
- Pulpous
- Pulpy
- Pulsant
- Pulsating
- Pulvinar
- Pumpable
- Pump-Action
- Pumpless
- Pumplike
- Punch-Drunk
- Punchy
- Punctate
- Punctilious
- Punctual
- Punditic
- Pungent
- Punishable
- Punishing
- Punitive
- Punitory
- Punk
- Punkish
- Punky
- Punny
- Puny
- Pupal
- Puparial
- Pupilar
- Pupilary
- Puppyish
- Puranic
- Purblind
- Pure
- Purebred
- Purgative
- Puristic
- Puritanical
- Purple
- Purplish
- Purply
- Purpose-Built
- Purposeful
- Purposeless
- Purpuric
- Pursuant
- Pursy
- Purty
- Purulent
- Push-Button
- Pushed
- Pushful
- Pushy
- Pusillanimous
- Pusslike
- Pussy
- Pustular
- Putative
- Putrid
- Put-Upon
- Puzzled
- Puzzling
- Pyaemic
- Pycnotic
- Pyelitic
- Pyemic
- Pygidial
- Pygmaean
- Pygmy
- Pyic
- Pyjama
- Pyknotic
- Pyloric
- Pyogenic
- Pyoid
- Pyramidal
- Pyranoid
- Pyretic
- Pyrexial
- Pyric
- Pyridic
- Pyriform
- Pyritic
- Pyrotechnic
- Pyrrolic
- Pythonic