Adjectives that Start with U: Many great adjectives exist, starting with u and u adjectives to describe a person, something, or place. We have collected some most common adjectives starting with u in English that are useful and easy for learners.
Must Read: Adjectives that Start with M
This list of adjectives beginning with u is divided into three sections to make it easier to find the U adjectives that someone needs:
Adjectives that Start with Un
Adjectives that Start with Uni
8-Letter Adjectives that Start with U
List of Adjectives that Start with U
- Ubiquitous
- Uddered
- Ugandan
- Ugly
- Ugsome
- Ukrainian
- Ulcerated
- Ullaged
- Ulnar
- Ultimo
- Ultramarine
- Ultrasonic
- Ultraviolet
- Ululant
- Umbeled
- Umbonal
- Umbral
- Umpteen
- Umpty
Adjectives that Start with Un
The prefix un- means not. We add this prefix to the beginning of any other adjective to create the antonym. For example, the opposite of able is unable, the opposite of acceptable is unacceptable, and so on. Listed below are 216 adjectives that start with un
- Unabashed
- Unable
- Unabridged
- Unacceptable
- Unaccompanied
- Unaccountable
- Unaccustomed
- Unadulterated
- Unaffected
- Unaided
- Unalienable
- Unalloyed
- Unambiguous
- Un-American
- Unanimous
- Unannounced
- Unanswerable
- Unanswered
- Unappealing
- Unappreciative
- Unapproachable
- Unarguable
- Unarmed
- Unary
- Unashamed
- Unassailable
- Unassuming
- Unattached
- Unattainable
- Unattended
- Unattractive
- Unauthorized
- Unavailable
- Unavailing
- Unavoidable
- Unaware
- Unbalanced
- Unbated
- Unbearable
- Unbeatable
- Unbecoming
- Unbelievable
- Unbending
- Unbid
- Unbleached
- Unblemished
- Unborn
- Unbounded
- Unbreakable
- Unbridled
- Uncalled-For
- Uncanny
- Uncared
- Unceasing
- Unceremonious
- Uncertain
- Unchallenged
- Unchanged
- Uncharacteristic
- Uncharitable
- Uncharted
- Unchecked
- Unchristian
- Uncinal
- Uncivil
- Uncivilized
- Unclaimed
- Unclean
- Unclear
- Uncomfortable
- Uncommitted
- Uncommunicative
- Uncomplaining
- Uncomplimentary
- Uncompromising
- Unconcerned
- Unconditional
- Unconfirmed
- Unconnected
- Unconscionable
- Unconscious
- Unconsidered
- Unconstitutional
- Uncontrollable
- Uncontrolled
- Unconventional
- Unconvincing
- Uncool
- Uncooperative
- Uncoordinated
- Uncountable
- Uncouth
- Uncritical
- Uncrowned
- Uncrushable
- Uncut
- Undated
- Undaunted
- Unde
- Undecided
- Undee
- Undefeated
- Undefinable
- Undeniable
- Undercooked
- Undercover
- Underdeveloped
- Underdone
- Underdressed
- Underemployed
- Underfloor
- Underfunded
- Underground
- Underhand
- Underlying
- Undermanned
- Undermentioned
- Undernourished
- Underpaid
- Underprivileged
- Underrated
- Undersized
- Understaffed
- Understandable
- Understanding
- Understated
- Underused
- Underwater
- Underweight
- Underwhelmed
- Underwired
- Undesirable
- Undeveloped
- Undiluted
- Undisclosed
- Undisguised
- Undisputed
- Undisturbed
- Undivided
- Undone
- Undoubted
- Undressed
- Undrunk
- Undue
- Undular
- Undulating
- Undy
- Undying
- Unearthly
- Uneasy
- Uneconomic
- Unedifying
- Uneducated
- Unemployed
- Unending
- Unendurable
- Unenforceable
- Unenlightened
- Unenviable
- Unequal
- Unequalled
- Unequivocal
- Unethical
- Uneven
- Uneventful
- Unexceptionable
- Unexceptional
- Unexpected
- Unexplained
- Unexplored
- Unexpurgated
- Unfailing
- Unfair
- Unfaithful
- Unfaltering
- Unfamiliar
- Unfashionable
- Unfathomable
- Unfavourable
- Unfazed
- Unfeasible
- Unfeeling
- Unfettered
- Unfinished
- Unfit
- Unflagging
- Unflappable
- Unflattering
- Unflinching
- Unforeseen
- Unforgettable
- Unfortunate
- Unfounded
- Unfriendly
- Unfulfilled
- Unfurnished
- Unglamorous
- Unglued
- Ungodly
- Ungot
- Ungovernable
- Ungrammatical
- Ungrateful
- Ungreen
- Ungual
- Unguarded
- Ungular
- Unguled
- Unhandy
- Unhealthy
- Unheard
- Unheard-Of
- Unhelpful
- Unholy
- Unhoped
- Unhurt
Adjectives that Start with Uni
- Uniced
- Unicellular
- Unidentified
- Unific
- Unified
- Uniform
- Uniformed
- Unilateral
- Unimaginable
- Unimaginative
- Unimpeachable
- Unimportant
- Unimpressed
- Unimpressive
- Uninformed
- Uninhabitable
- Uninhabited
- Uninitiated
- Uninjured
- Uninspired
- Uninspiring
- Uninstall
- Unintelligible
- Unintended
- Unintentional
- Uninterested
- Uninteresting
- Uninterrupted
- Uninviting
- Unique
- Unique
- Unisex
- Unisize
- Unitarian
- Unitary
- United
- Unitive
- Universal
- Unjust
- Unjustifiable
- Unjustified
- Unkempt
- Unkempt
- Unkend
- Unkent
- Unkind
- Unknowing
- Unknown
- Unleavened
- Unlet
- Unlicensed
- Unlimited
- Unlooked-For
- Unloved
- Unlucky
- Unmade
- Unmanageable
- Unmarried
- Unmatched
- Unmeet
- Unmentionable
- Unmindful
- Unmissable
- Unmistakable
- Unmitigated
- Unmoral
- Unmoved
- Unnamed
- Unnatural
- Unnecessary
- Unnerving
- Unnoticed
- Unoaked
- Unobtainable
- Unobtrusive
- Unofficial
- Unoriginal
- Unorthodox
- Unpaged
- Unpaid
- Unpalatable
- Unparalleled
- Unplanned
- Unplayable
- Unpleasant
- Unplugged
- Unpopular
- Unprecedented
- Unpredictable
- Unpremeditated
- Unprepared
- Unpretentious
- Unprincipled
- Unprintable
- Unproductive
- Unprofessional
- Unprofitable
- Unpromising
- Unprompted
- Unpronounceable
- Unprotected
- Unprovoked
- Unpublished
- Unpunished
- Unputdownable
- Unqualified
- Unquestionable
- Unquestioned
- Unquestioning
- Unquiet
- Unreadable
- Unreal
- Unrealistic
- Unreasonable
- Unreasoning
- Unreconstructed
- Unrefined
- Unregulated
- Unrelated
- Unrelenting
- Unreliable
- Unrelieved
- Unremarkable
- Unremitting
- Unrent
- Unrepeatable
- Unrepentant
- Unrepresentative
- Unrequited
- Unreserved
- Unresolved
- Unresponsive
- Unrestrained
- Unripe
- Unrivalled
- Unruffled
- Unruly
- Unsafe
- Unsaid
- Unsanitary
- Unsatisfactory
- Unsatisfying
- Unsaturated
- Unsavoury
- Unscathed
- Unscientific
- Unscripted
- Unscrupulous
- Unseasonable
- Unseen
- Unselfish
- Unsettled
- Unsettling
- Unshakeable
- Unsightly
- Unskilled
- Unsmiling
- Unsociable
- Unsold
- Unsolicited
- Unsoncy
- Unsonsy
- Unsophisticated
- Unsound
- Unsparing
- Unspeakable
- Unspecified
- Unspoiled
- Unsporting
- Unstinting
- Unstoppable
- Unstuck
- Unsuccessful
- Unsuitable
- Unsullied
- Unsung
- Unsupported
- Unsure
- Unsurpassed
- Unsurprising
- Unsuspected
- Unsuspecting
- Unsustainable
- Unswerving
- Unsympathetic
- Untenable
- Unthinkable
- Unthinking
- Untidy
- Untold
- Untoned
- Untouchable
- Untouched
- Untrained
- Untrammelled
- Untreated
- Untrue
- Untutored
- Untypical
- Unused
- Unusual
- Unutterable
- Unvarnished
- Unwaged
- Unwarranted
- Unwary
- Unwelcome
- Unwelcoming
- Unwell
- Unwilling
- Unwise
- Unwitting
- Unwonted
- Unworkable
- Unwritten
- Unyielding
- Up
- Up-And-Coming
- Up-And-Down
- Up-And-Over
- Upbeat
- Upcoming
- Up-Country
- Upfront
- Upgoing
- Uphill
- Upholstered
- Upland
- Uplifting
- Upmost
- Upper
- Upper-Class
- Uppermost
- Uppish
- Uppity
- Upright
- Upriver
- Uproarious
- Upscale
- Upset
- Upsetting
- Upstage
- Upstanding
- Upstate
- Up-Tempo
- Uptight
- Up-To-Date
- Up-To-The-Minute
- Uptown
- Upward
- Upwind
- Uraemic
- Uranic
- Uranous
- Uratic
- Urban
- Urbane
- Urbanized
- Ureal
- Uredial
- Ureic
- Uremic
- Uretic
- Urgent
- Urgent
- Uric
- Urinary
- Urinose
- Urnlike
- Urogenital
- Ursine
- Uruguayan
- Usable
- Useable
- Used
- Useful
- Useless
- User-Friendly
- Usual
- Usurious
- Uterine
- Utilitarian
- Utilizable
- Utmost
- Utopian
- Utter
- Uveal
- Uveitic
- Uveous
- Uxorial
- Uzbek
8-Letter Adjectives that Start with U
- Ulcerous
- Ulterior
- Ultimate
- Ultradry
- Ultrahip
- Ultrahot
- Ultralow
- Ustulate
- Uxorious
- Upstairs
- Upstream
- Upturned
- Uralitic
- Uranitic
- Uranylic
- Ureteral
- Urethral
- Urinemic
- Uroboric
- Urologic
- Uropodal
- Ursiform
- Unabated
- Unaneled
- Unbeaten
- Unbiased
- Unbidden
- Unbodied
- Unbroken
- Uncaring
- Unchancy
- Uncinate
- Uncommon
- Unctuous
- Underage
- Underarm
- Underfed
- Underlit
- Undersea
- Underway
- Undulant
- Undulous
- Unearned
- Unerring
- Unforgot
- Ungainly
- Ungotten
- Unharmed
- Unhinged
- Unialgal
- Uniaxial
- Unicolor
- Unideaed
- Unifilar
- Uniform
- Unilobed
- Unimodal
- Unipolar
- Unisonal
- Unlawful
- Unleaded
- Unlikely
- Unlisted
- Unlovable
- Unmanned
- Unmarked
- Unplaced
- Unseeded
- Unseeing
- Unseemly
- Unshaven
- Unsicker
- Unsliced
- Unsocial
- Unsolved
- Unsonsie
- Unspoken
- Unstable
- Unstayed
- Unsteady
- Unsuited
- Untapped
- Untented
- Untimely
- Untiring
- Untoward
- Unusable
- Unversed
- Unwanted
- Unwashed
- Unwieldy
- Unyeaned
- Uplifted
- Upmarket