An adverb or adverbial is a word that says something more about the action or state described by a verb. For example, “The man is walking slowly.” In this sentence, the word slowly describes the word walking; therefore, it is an adverb.
What endings do most adverbs have? Most adverbs have an ‘-ly’ at the end. The ‘-ly’ suffix at the end is a very useful indicator to help you identify adverbs. But not all adverbs end in -ly. There are many adverbs that don’t have a -ly ending. This article lists 2000+ adverbs ending in -ly in alphabetical order.
What endings do most adverbs have? Most adverbs have an ‘-ly’ at the end. The ‘-ly’ suffix at the end is a very useful indicator to help you identify adverbs. But not all adverbs end in -ly. There are many adverbs that don’t have a -ly ending. This article lists 2000+ adverbs ending in -ly in alphabetical order.
A-Z List of Adverbs Ending in -ly
- Attractively
- Attributively
- Audaciously
- Audibly
- Auspiciously
- Austerely
- Authentically
- Authoritatively
- Autocratically
- Automatically
- Avariciously
- Averagely
- Avidly
- Avowedly
- Awfully
- Awkwardly
- Axiomatically
- Badly
- Baldly
- Balefully
- Bally
- Barbarically
- Barely
- Basely
- Bashfully
- Basically
- Bawdily
- Beatifically
- Beautifully
- Beguilingly
- Belatedly
- Belligerently
- Benevolently
- Benignly
- Bigamously
- Bilaterally
- Bimonthly
- Biochemically
- Biologically
- Bitterly
- Biweekly
- Bizarrely
- Blandly
- Blankly
- Blasphemously
- Blatantly
- Blearily
- Blindingly
- Blindly
- Blissfully
- Blithely
- Bloodily
- Bluntly
- Boastfully
- Bodily
- Boisterously
- Boldly
- Boringly
- Boyishly
- Bravely
- Brazenly
- Breathtakingly
- Breezily
- Briefly
- Brightly
- Brilliantly
- Briskly
- Broadly
- Brusquely
- Brutally
- Buoyantly
- Busily
- Cagily
- Calamitously
- Cagily
- Calamitously
- Callously
- Calmly
- Candidly
- Cannily
- Capably
- Capriciously
- Carefully
- Carelessly
- Casually
- Categorically
- Cattily
- Caustically
- Cautiously
- Ceaselessly
- Centrally
- Ceremoniously
- Ceremonially
- Certainly
- Chaotically
- Characteristically
- Charitably
- Charmingly
- Chauvinistically
- Cheaply
- Cheekily
- Cheerfully
- Cheerily
- Chemically
- Chiefly
- Childishly
- Chillingly
- Chirpily
- Chivalrously
- Chronically
- Chronologically
- Churlishly
- Circuitously
- Circumspectly
- Civilly
- Clandestinely
- Clannishly
- Classically
- Cleanly
- Clearly
- Cleverly
- Clinically
- Closely
- Cloyingly
- Clumsily
- Coarsely
- Coaxingly
- Cogently
- Coherently
- Coincidentally
- Coldly
- Collectively
- Colloquially
- Colourfully
- Coarsely
- Coaxingly
- Cogently
- Coherently
- Coincidentally
- Comfortably
- Comfortingly
- Comically
- Commendably
- Commercially
- Commonly
- Communally
- Compactly
- Comparably
- Comparatively
- Compassionately
- Compatibly
- Competently
- Competitively
- Complacently
- Complainingly
- Completely
- Composedly
- Comprehensibly
- Comprehensively
- Compulsively
- Compulsorily
- Conceitedly
- Conceivably
- Concernedly
- Concisely
- Conclusively
- Concomitantly
- Concurrently
- Condescendingly
- Conditionally
- Confidingly
- Confidently
- Confidentially
- Conscientiously
- Consciously
- Consecutively
- Consequently
- Conservatively
- Considerably
- Consistently
- Conspicuously
- Conspiratorially
- Constantly
- Constitutionally
- Constructively
- Contemplatively
- Contemporaneously
- Contemptibly
- Contemptuously
- Contentedly
- Contextually
- Continually
- Continuously
- Contractually
- Contritely
- Controversially
- Conveniently
- Conventionally
- Conversely
- Convincingly
- Convivially
- Coolly
- Cooperatively
- Copiously
- Coquettishly
- Cordially
- Corporeally
- Correctly
- Correspondingly
- Corrosively
- Cosily
- Cosmetically
- Cosmically
- Coterminously
- Courageously
- Courteously
- Covertly
- Covetously
- Coyly
- Cozily
- Crabbily
- Craftily
- Crassly
- Crazily
- Creakily
- Creatively
- Credibly
- Credulously
- Criminally
- Crisply
- Critically
- Crookedly
- Credulously
- Criminally
- Crossly
- Crucially
- Crudely
- Cruelly
- Cryptically
- Culpably
- Culturally
- Cumulatively
- Cunningly
- Curiously
- Currently
- Cursorily
- Curtly
- Cussedly
- Customarily
- Cutely
- Cynically
- Daily
- Daintily
- Damnably
- Dangerously
- Daringly
- Darkly
- Dashingly
- Dazzlingly
- Deadly
- Dearly
- Deathly
- Deceitfully
- Decently
- Deceptively
- Decidedly
- Decisively
- Decoratively
- Decorously
- Deeply
- Defensively
- Deferentially
- Defiantly
- Deficiently
- Definitely
- Definitively
- Deftly
- Dejectedly
- Delectably
- Deleteriously
- Deliberately
- Delicately
- Deliciously
- Delightedly
- Deliriously
- Delusively
- Demagogically
- Dementedly
- Democratically
- Demoniacally
- Demonically
- Demonstrably
- Demonstratively
- Demurely
- Densely
- Dependably
- Deplorably
- Deprecatingly
- Depressingly
- Derisively
- Deservedly
- Desirably
- Desolately
- Despairingly
- Desperately
- Despicably
- Despondently
- Despotically
- Destructively
- Desultorily
- Determinedly
- Detestably
- Devastatingly
- Devilishly
- Deviously
- Devotedly
- Devoutly
- Dexterously
- Diabolically
- Diagonally
- Diagrammatically
- Diametrically
- Didactically
- Differently
- Differentially
- Diffidently
- Diffusely
- Digitally
- Diligently
- Dimly
- Dingily
- Diplomatically
- Directly
- Disagreeably
- Disappointedly
- Disappointingly
- Disapprovingly
- Disastrously
- Discernibly
- Disconcertingly
- Disconsolately
- Discontentedly
- Discreditably
- Discreetly
- Disdainfully
- Disgracefully
- Disgustedly
- Disgustingly
- Dishonestly
- Dismally
- Dismissively
- Disobediently
- Disparagingly
- Dispassionately
- Disproportionately
- Disreputably
- Disrespectfully
- Disruptively
- Dissolutely
- Distantly
- Distastefully
- Distinctly
- Distinctively
- Distractedly
- Distressingly
- Disturbingly
- Diurnally
- Divinely
- Divisively
- Dizzily
- Dizzyingly
- Doggedly
- Dogmatically
- Dolefully
- Domestically
- Doubly
- Doubtfully
- Dourly
- Dozily
- Dramatically
- Drastically
- Dreadfully
- Dreamily
- Drearily
- Drily
- Drolly
- Drowsily
- Drunkenly
- Dubiously
- Dully
- Duly
- Dumbly
- Drowsily
- Dutifully
- Dynamically
- Eagerly
- Earnestly
- Easily
- Ebulliently
- Eccentrically
- Eclectically
- Ecologically
- Economically
- Ecstatically
- Edgily
- Educationally
- Eerily
- Effect
- Effectively
- Effectually
- Efficiently
- Effortlessly
- Effusively
- Egocentrically
- Elaborately
- Electorally
- Electrically
- Electrocute
- Electronically
- Elegantly
- Elliptically
- Eloquently
- Elusively
- Embarrassingly
- Emblematically
- Eminently
- Emotionally
- Emotively
- Emphatically
- Empirically
- Emptily
- Encouragingly
- Endearingly
- Endlessly
- Energetically
- Enigmatically
- Enormously
- Entertainingly
- Enthusiastically
- Enticingly
- Entirely
- Enviably
- Enviously
- Environmentally
- Equably
- Equally
- Equitably
- Equivocally
- Ergonomically
- Erotically
- Erratically
- Erroneously
- Especially
- Essentially
- Eternally
- Ethereally
- Ethically
- Ethnically
- Ethnographically
- Ethnologically
- Etymologically
- Euphemistically
- Euphorically
- Evasively
- Evenly
- Eventually
- Evidently
- Evocatively
- Exactly
- Exaggeratedly
- Exasperatedly
- Exasperatingly
- Exceedingly
- Excellently
- Exceptionally
- Excessively
- Excitedly
- Excitingly
- Exclusively
- Excruciatingly
- Execrably
- Exhaustively
- Exotically
- Expansively
- Expectantly
- Expediently
- Expeditiously
- Expensively
- Experimentally
- Expertly
- Explicably
- Explicitly
- Fabulously
- Facetiously
- Factually
- Faddily
- Faintly
- Fairly
- Fairly Traded
- Faithfully
- Faithlessly
- Fallaciously
- Falsely
- Falteringly
- Familiarly
- Famously
- Fanatically
- Fancifully
- Fantastically
- Farcically
- Fashionably
- Fastidiously
- Fatally
- Fatalistically
- Fatuously
- Faultlessly
- Favourably
- Fearfully
- Fearlessly
- Fearsomely
- Feasibly
- Gaily
- Gainfully
- Gallantly
- Gamely
- Garrulously
- Gaudily
- Genealogically
- Generally
- Generously
- Genetically
- Genially
- Genteelly
- Gently
- Genuinely
- Geographically
- Geologically
- Geometrically
- Ghoulishly
- Gigantically
- Gingerly
- Girlishly
- Gladly
- Glamorously
- Glaringly
- Gleefully
- Glibly
- Gloatingly
- Globally
- Habitually
- Half-Heartedly
- Haltingly
- Handily
- Handsomely
- Haphazardly
- Haplessly
- Happily
- Hardly
- Harmfully
- Harmlessly
- Harmoniously
- Harshly
- Hastily
- Haughtily
- Hazily
- Healthily
- Heartily
- Heatedly
- Heedlessly
- Hellishly
- Helpfully
- Helplessly
- Heroically
- Hesitantly
- Hideously
- Hierarchically
- Highly
- Hilariously
- Historically
- Histrionically
- Hoarsely
- Holistically
- Hollowly
- Honestly
- Honorably
- Honourably
- Hopefully
- Hopelessly
- Horizontally
- Horrendously
- Horribly
- Horrifically
- Horrifyingly
- Hospitably
- Hotheadedly
- Hotly
- Hourly
- Huffily
- Hugely
- Humanely
- Humanly
- Humbly
- Humorously
- Hungrily
- Hurriedly
- Hurtfully
- Hypocritically
- Hysterically
- Icily
- Idealistically
- Ideally
- Ideologically
- Idiomatically
- Idiotically
- Idly
- Idyllically
- Ignobly
- Ignominiously
- Illegally
- Illegibly
- Illicitly
- Illogically
- Imaginatively
- Immaculately
- Immeasurably
- Immediately
- Immensely
- Imminently
- Immoderately
- Immorally
- Impartially
- Impassively
- Impatiently
- Impeccably
- Impenetrably
- Imperceptibly
- Imperfectly
- Imperiously
- Impertinently
- Imperturbably
- Impetuously
- Impiously
- Impishly
- Implacably
- Implausibly
- Implicitly
- Imploringly
- Impolitely
- Importantly
- Impossibly
- Impressively
- Improbably
- Improperly
- Impulsively
- Inaccurately
- Inadequately
- Inadvertently
- Inanely
- Inappropriately
- Inarticulately
- Inattentively
- Inaudibly
- Inauspiciously
- Incalculably
- Incautiously
- Incessantly
- Incestuously
- Incidentally
- Incisively
- Incoherently
- Incomparably
- Incompetently
- Incompletely
- Incomprehensibly
- Inconceivably
- Inconclusively
- Inconsequentially
- Inconsiderately
- Inconsistently
- Inconsolably
- Inconspicuously
- Incontestably
- Incontrovertibly
- Inconveniently
- Incorrectly
- Incorrigibly
- Incorruptibly
- Increasingly
- Incredibly
- Incredulously
- Incrementally
- Incurably
- Indecently
- Indecisively
- Indecorously
- Indefatigably
- Indefensibly
- Indefinably
- Indefinitely
- Indelibly
- Independently
- Indescribably
- Indifferently
- Indignantly
- Indirectly
- Indiscreetly
- Indiscriminately
- Indisputably
- Indissolubly
- Indistinctly
- Individualistically
- Individually
- Indivisibly
- Indolently
- Indomitably
- Indubitably
- Inductively
- Indulgently
- Industrially
- Industriously
- Ineffectively
- Ineffectually
- Inefficiently
- Inertly
- Inescapably
- Inestimably
- Inevitably
- Inexcusably
- Inexorably
- Inexpertly
- Inexplicably
- Inexpressibly
- Inextricably
- Infallibly
- Infinitely
- Infinitesimally
- Informally
- Infrequently
- Ingeniously
- Ingenuously
- Inherently
- Inhumanely
- Initially
- Innately
- Innocently
- Innocuously
- Inopportunely
- Inordinately
- Inquiringly
- Inquisitively
- Insanely
- Insatiably
- Inscrutably
- Insecurely
- Insensitively
- Inseparably
- Insidiously
- Insignificantly
- Insincerely
- Insipidly
- Insistently
- Insolently
- Instantaneously
- Instantly
- Instinctively
- Instructively
- Insufferably
- Insufficiently
- Insultingly
- Insuperably
- Intangibly
- Intellectually
- Intelligently
- Intelligibly
- Intemperately
- Intensely
- Intensively
- Intently
- Intentionally
- Interactively
- Interchangeably
- Interestingly
- Interminably
- Intermittently
- Internally
- Internationally
- Intimately
- Intolerably
- Intolerantly
- Intractably
- Intransigently
- Intransitively
- Intravenously
- Intrepidly
- Intricately
- Intriguingly
- Intrinsically
- Introspectively
- Intuitively
- Invalidly
- Invariably
- Inventively
- Inventively
- Inversely
- Invidiously
- Invincibly
- Invisibly
- Invitingly
- Involuntarily
- Inwardly
- Irascibly
- Ironically
- Irrationally
- Irreconcilably
- Irrecoverably
- Irredeemably
- Irreducibly
- Irrefutably
- Irregularly
- Irrelevantly
- Irreparably
- Irrepressibly
- Irreproachably
- Irresistibly
- Irresolutely
- Irresponsibly
- Irretrievably
- Irreverently
- Irreversibly
- Irrevocably
- Irritably
- Irritatingly
- Jaggedly
- Jauntily
- Jealously
- Jeeringly
- Jerkily
- Jocosely
- Jocularly
- Jointly
- Jokingly
- Jolly
- Jovially
- Joyfully
- Joylessly
- Joyously
- Jubilantly
- Judgmentally
- Judicially
- Judiciously
- Justly
- Justifiably
- Kaleidoscopically
- Keenly
- Kindly
- Kittenishly
- Knowingly
- Knowledgeably
- Laboriously
- Lackadaisically
- Laconically
- Lamely
- Lamentably
- Languidly
- Languorously
- Lankly
- Largely
- Lasciviously
- Lastly
- Lately
- Laterally
- Latterly
- Laudably
- Laughingly
- Lavishly
- Lawfully
- Lawlessly
- Laxly
- Lazily
- Legalistically
- Legally
- Legibly
- Legitimately
- Leniently
- Lethally
- Levelly
- Lewdly
- Liberally
- Licentiously
- Lifelessly
- Lightly
- Limply
- Limpidly
- Lineally
- Lingeringly
- Linguistically
- Literally
- Lithely
- Locally
- Loftily
- Logarithmically
- Logically
- Logistically
- Longingly
- Loosely
- Loquaciously
- Loudly
- Lovingly
- Loyally
- Lubriciously
- Luckily
- Lucratively
- Ludicrously
- Lugubriously
- Luminously
- Luridly
- Lusciously
- Lushly
- Lustfully
- Lustrously
- Lustily
- Luxuriantly
- Luxuriously
- Lyrically
- Maddeningly
- Madly
- Magically
- Magnanimously
- Magnificently
- Mainly
- Majestically
- Majorly
- Maladroitly
- Malevolently
- Maliciously
- Malignantly
- Manfully
- Manifestly
- Manually
- Marginally
- Markedly
- Marvellously
- Massively
- Masterfully
- Matchlessly
- Materially
- Maternally
- Mathematically
- Matter-Of-Factly
- Maturely
- Mawkishly
- Meaningfully
- Meaninglessly
- Meanly
- Measurably
- Mechanically
- Medically
- Medicinally
- Meekly
- Melodramatically
- Memorably
- Menacingly
- Mentally
- Mercifully
- Mercilessly
- Merely
- Merrily
- Messily
- Metaphorically
- Methodically
- Meticulously
- Microscopically
- Mightily
- Mildly
- Militantly
- Militarily
- Mimetically
- Mindlessly
- Mind-Numbingly
- Minimally
- Minutely
- Miraculously
- Mirthlessly
- Mind-Numbingly
- Minimally
- Minutely
- Miraculously
- Mirthlessly
- Mischievously
- Miserably
- Misguidedly
- Misleadingly
- Mistakenly
- Mistrustfully
- Mistily
- Mockingly
- Moderately
- Modestly
- Modishly
- Momentarily
- Momentously
- Monosyllabically
- Monotonously
- Monstrously
- Monthly
- Monumentally
- Moodily
- Morally
- Morbidly
- Mordantly
- Morosely
- Mortally
- Mostly
- Mournfully
- Movingly
- Multilaterally
- Musically
- Mutually
- Muzzily
- Mysteriously
- Mystifyingly
- Naively
- Nakedly
- Namely
- Narrowly
- Nasally
- Nastily
- Nationally
- Nattily
- Naturally
- Naughtily
- Nauseatingly
- Nautically
- Nearly
- Neatly
- Necessarily
- Needlessly
- Nefariously
- Negatively
- Negligently
- Nervelessly
- Nervously
- Neurotically
- Newly
- Nicely
- Nightly
- Nightmarishly
- Nimbly
- Nobly
- Nocturnally
- Noiselessly
- Noisily
- Nominally
- Nonchalantly
- Noncommittally
- Normally
- Nostalgically
- Nosily
- Notably
- Noticeably
- Notoriously
- Numbly
- Numerically
- Obediently
- Objectively
- Obligingly
- Obliquely
- Obliviously
- Obnoxiously
- Obscenely
- Obscurely
- Observably
- Obsessively
- Obstinately
- Obstructively
- Obtrusively
- Obtusely
- Obviously
- Occasionally
- Oddly
- Offensively
- Offhandedly
- Officially
- Officiously
- Ominously
- Opaquely
- Openly
- Operatically
- Operationally
- Opportunistically
- Oppressively
- Optically
- Optimistically
- Opulently
- Orally
- Ordinarily
- Organically
- Originally
- Ornately
- Orthographically
- Ostensibly
- Ostentatiously
- Outlandishly
- Outrageously
- Outstandingly
- Outwardly
- Pacifically
- Painfully
- Painlessly
- Painstakingly
- Palpably
- Paradoxically
- Pardonably
- Parenthetically
- Parochially
- Parsimoniously
- Partially
- Particularly
- Partly
- Passably
- Passively
- Patchily
- Patently
- Paternally
- Pathetically
- Pathologically
- Patiently
- Patriotically
- Peaceably
- Peacefully
- Peculiarly
- Pedagogically
- Pedantically
- Peevishly
- Penitently
- Pensively
- Perceptibly
- Perceptively
- Peremptorily
- Perennially
- Perfectly
- Perfunctorily
- Perilously
- Periodically
- Perkily
- Permanently
- Perpendicularly
- Perpetually
- Persistently
- Personally
- Persuasively
- Pervasively
- Perversely
- Pessimistically
- Petulantly
- Phenomenally
- Philosophically
- Phonetically
- Photographically
- Physically
- Pictorially
- Picturesquely
- Piercingly
- Pigheadedly
- Piously
- Piquantly
- Piteously
- Pithily
- Pitifully
- Pitilessly
- Placidly
- Plainly
- Plaintively
- Plausibly
- Playfully
- Pleadingly
- Pleasantly
- Pleasingly
- Plentifully
- Pliantly
- Pneumatically
- Poetically
- Poignantly
- Pointedly
- Pointlessly
- Politely
- Politically
- Pompously
- Ponderously
- Poorly
- Popularly
- Portentously
- Positively
- Possibly
- Posthumously
- Potently
- Potentially
- Powerfully
- Practically
- Pragmatically
- Precariously
- Precipitately
- Precipitously
- Precisely
- Precociously
- Predictably
- Predominantly
- Pre-Eminently
- Preferably
- Preferentially
- Prematurely
- Preponderantly
- Presently
- Presumably
- Presumptuously
- Pretentiously
- Preternaturally
- Prettily
- Previously
- Primly
- Primarily
- Principally
- Prissily
- Privately
- Proactively
- Probably
- Problematically
- Prodigally
- Prodigiously
- Productively
- Professionally
- Profitably
- Profoundly
- Profusely
- Progressively
- Prohibitively
- Promiscuously
- Promisingly
- Promptly
- Properly
- Prophetically
- Propitiously
- Proportionally
- Prosperously
- Protectively
- Proudly
- Proverbially
- Providently
- Providentially
- Provisionally
- Provocatively
- Prudishly
- Prudently
- Pruriently
- Psychiatrically
- Psychically
- Psychologically
- Publicly
- Punctiliously
- Punctually
- Pungently
- Punishingly
- Punitively
- Purely
- Puritanically
- Purposefully
- Purposelessly
- Purposely
- Pusillanimously
- Putatively
- Quaintly
- Qualitatively
- Quantitatively
- Quarterly
- Queasily
- Querulously
- Quickly
- Quietly
- Quintessentially
- Quixotically
- Quizzically
- Rabidly
- Racially
- Racily
- Radially
- Radically
- Raggedly
- Rakishly
- Randomly
- Rapaciously
- Rapidly
- Rapturously
- Rarely
- Rashly
- Rationally
- Raucously
- Raunchily
- Ravenously
- Readily
- Realistically
- Really
- Reasonably
- Reassuringly
- Rebelliously
- Recently
- Reciprocally
- Recklessly
- Recognizably
- Rectally
- Reflectively
- Reflexively
- Refreshingly
- Regally
- Regionally
- Regretfully
- Regrettably
- Regularly
- Relatively
- Relentlessly
- Reliably
- Religiously
- Reluctantly
- Remarkably
- Remorsefully
- Remorselessly
- Remotely
- Repeatedly
- Repetitively
- Reportedly
- Reprehensibly
- Reproachfully
- Reputably
- Reputedly
- Resentfully
- Resignedly
- Resolutely
- Resoundingly
- Resourcefully
- Respectably
- Respectfully
- Respectively
- Resplendently
- Responsibly
- Responsively
- Restfully
- Restively
- Restlessly
- Reticently
- Retrospectively
- Revealingly
- Reverently
- Reverentially
- Revoltingly
- Rhetorically
- Rhythmically
- Richly
- Ridiculously
- Righteously
- Rightfully
- Rightly
- Rigidly
- Rigorously
- Riotously
- Riskily
- Ritualistically
- Roguishly
- Romantically
- Roughly
- Roundly
- Routinely
- Rowdily
- Rudely
- Ruefully
- Ruggedly
- Ruinously
- Ruthlessly
- Sacrificially
- Sacrilegiously
- Sadistically
- Sadly
- Safely
- Sagaciously
- Sagely
- Salaciously
- Sanctimoniously
- Sarcastically
- Sardonically
- Sartorially
- Satisfactorily
- Savagely
- Scandalously
- Scantily
- Scarcely
- Scathingly
- Sceptically
- Scientifically
- Scornfully
- Scrappily
- Screamingly
- Scruffily
- Scrupulously
- Scurrilously
- Searchingly
- Searingly
- Seasonally
- Secondarily
- Secondly
- Secretly
- Secretively
- Securely
- Sedately
- Seductively
- Seemingly
- Selectively
- Self-Confidently
- Self-Consciously
- Self-Deprecatingly
- Self-Effacingly
- Self-Evidently
- Self-Importantly
- Selfishly
- Selflessly
- Self-Righteously
- Semantically
- Sensationally
- Senselessly
- Sensibly
- Sensitively
- Sensuously
- Sententiously
- Sentimentally
- Separately
- Sequentially
- Seraphically
- Serenely
- Seriously
- Severally
- Severely
- Shabbily
- Shakily
- Shallowly
- Shambolically
- Shamefacedly
- Shamefully
- Shamelessly
- Shapelessly
- Sharply
- Sheepishly
- Shiftily
- Shingly
- Shockingly
- Shoddily
- Shortly
- Showily
- Shrewdly
- Shrilly
- Shyly
- Sickeningly
- Signally
- Significantly
- Silently
- Similarly
- Simply
- Simultaneously
- Sincerely
- Sinfully
- Single-Handedly
- Single-Mindedly
- Singly
- Singularly
- Sinuously
- Sketchily
- Skilfully
- Skittishly
- Slackly
- Slanderously
- Slavishly
- Sleekly
- Sleepily
- Slightly
- Sloppily
- Slowly
- Sluggishly
- Slyly
- Smarmily
- Smartly
- Smilingly
- Smoothly
- Smugly
- Snappishly
- Snappily
- Snazzily
- Sneakily
- Sneeringly
- Snidely
- Snobbishly
- Snootily
- Snugly
- Soberly
- Socially
- Socioeconomically
- Sociologically
- Softly
- Soggily
- Solely
- Solemnly
- Solicitously
- Solidly
- Sombrely
- Sonorously
- Soothingly
- Soporifically
- Soppily
- Sordidly
- Sorely
- Sorrowfully
- Soulfully
- Soundlessly
- Soundly
- Sourly
- Spaciously
- Sparingly
- Sparsely
- Spatially
- Specially
- Specifically
- Speciously
- Spectacularly
- Speculatively
- Speechlessly
- Speedily
- Spinelessly
- Spiritually
- Spitefully
- Splendidly
- Spontaneously
- Sporadically
- Spotlessly
- Squarely
- Squeamishly
- Staggeringly
- Stalwartly
- Stammeringly
- Standoffishly
- Starchily
- Starkly
- Startlingly
- Statistically
- Staunchly
- Steadfastly
- Steadily
- Stealthily
- Steeply
- Stereotypically
- Sternly
- Stiffly
- Stiflingly
- Stiltedly
- Stirringly
- Stockily
- Stoically
- Stolidly
- Stormily
- Stoutly
- Straightforwardly
- Strangely
- Strategically
- Strenuously
- Strictly
- Stridently
- Strikingly
- Stringently
- Strongly
- Stroppily
- Structurally
- Stubbornly
- Studiously
- Stuffily
- Stultifyingly
- Stunningly
- Stupefyingly
- Stupendously
- Stupidly
- Sturdily
- Stutteringly
- Stylishly
- Stylistically
- Suavely
- Subconsciously
- Subjectively
- Sublimely
- Submissively
- Subsequently
- Subserviently
- Substantially
- Subtly
- Subversively
- Successfully
- Successively
- Succinctly
- Suddenly
- Sufficiently
- Suggestively
- Suicidally
- Suitably
- Sullenly
- Summarily
- Sumptuously
- Superbly
- Superciliously
- Superficially
- Superfluously
- Superlatively
- Supernaturally
- Superstitiously
- Supinely
- Supportively
- Supposedly
- Surefootedly
- Surely
- Surgically
- Surprisingly
- Surreptitiously
- Suspiciously
- Swaggeringly
- Sweetly
- Swiftly
- Swimmingly
- Symbiotically
- Symbolically
- Symmetrically
- Sympathetically
- Syntactically
- Synthetically
- Systematically
- Tacitly
- Tactfully
- Tactically
- Tactlessly
- Tangibly
- Tantalizingly
- Tartly
- Tastefully
- Tastelessly
- Tautly
- Tautologically
- Tearfully
- Technically
- Technologically
- Tediously
- Temperamentally
- Tempestuously
- Temporarily
- Temptingly
- Tenaciously
- Tendentiously
- Tenderly
- Tensely
- Tentatively
- Tenuously
- Terminally
- Terminologically
- Terribly
- Terrifically
- Terrifyingly
- Tersely
- Testily
- Tetchily
- Thankfully
- Theatrically
- Theologically
- Theoretically
- Thermally
- Thickly
- Thinly
- Thirdly
- Thirstily
- Thoroughly
- Thoughtfully
- Thoughtlessly
- Threateningly
- Thriftily
- Throatily
- Tidily
- Tightly
- Timelessly
- Timidly
- Timorously
- Tipsily
- Tiredly
- Tirelessly
- Tiresomely
- Tolerably
- Tolerantly
- Tonelessly
- Topically
- Topographically
- Torpidly
- Tortuously
- Totally
- Touchingly
- Touchily
- Toughly
- Traditionally
- Tragically
- Tranquilly
- Transitively
- Traumatically
- Tremendously
- Tremulously
- Trenchantly
- Tritely
- Triumphantly
- Troublingly
- Truculently
- Truly
- Truthfully
- Tumultuously
- Tunefully
- Tunelessly
- Turgidly
- Typically
- Tyrannically
- Ubiquitously
- Ultimately
- Unacceptably
- Unaccountably
- Unaffectedly
- Unambiguously
- Unanimously
- Unashamedly
- Unattractively
- Unavoidably
- Unbearably
- Unbelievably
- Uncannily
- Unceasingly
- Unceremoniously
- Uncertainly
- Uncharacteristically
- Uncharitably
- Uncivilly
- Unclearly
- Uncomfortably
- Uncommonly
- Uncomplainingly
- Uncompromisingly
- Unconcernedly
- Unconditionally
- Unconscionably
- Unconsciously
- Unconstitutionally
- Uncontrollably
- Unconventionally
- Unconvincingly
- Uncooperatively
- Uncritically
- Undeniably
- Understandably
- Undoubtedly
- Unduly
- Uneasily
- Unequally
- Unequivocally
- Unerringly
- Unevenly
- Uneventfully
- Unexpectedly
- Unfailingly
- Unfairly
- Unfathomably
- Unfavourably
- Unfeasibly
- Unforgettably
- Unfortunately
- Unhappily
- Unhealthily
- Uniformly
- Unilaterally
- Unimaginably
- Unintentionally
- Uninterruptedly
- Uniquely
- Universally
- Unjustly
- Unjustifiably
- Unkindly
- Unknowingly
- Unlawfully
- Unluckily
- Unmistakably
- Unnaturally
- Unnecessarily
- Unnervingly
- Unobtrusively
- Unofficially
- Unpleasantly
- Unpredictably
- Unprofessionally
- Unquestionably
- Unquestioningly
- Unrealistically
- Unreasonably
- Unrelentingly
- Unrelievedly
- Unremittingly
- Unreservedly
- Unseasonably
- Unselfishly
- Unspeakably
- Unsteadily
- Unsuccessfully
- Unsuitably
- Unsurprisingly
- Unthinkingly
- Untidily
- Unusually
- Unutterably
- Unwillingly
- Unwisely
- Unwittingly
- Uprightly
- Uproariously
- Urbanely
- Urgently
- Usefully
- Uselessly
- Usually
- Utterly
- Vacantly
- Vacuously
- Vaginally
- Vaguely
- Vainly
- Valiantly
- Validly
- Variously
- Vastly
- Vehemently
- Vengefully
- Venomously
- Verbally
- Verbosely
- Verily
- Veritably
- Vertically
- Vestigially
- Vexatiously
- Viably
- Vibrantly
- Vicariously
- Viciously
- Victoriously
- Vigilantly
- Vigorously
- Vilely
- Vindictively
- Violently
- Virtually
- Visibly
- Visually
- Vitally
- Vitriolically
- Vivaciously
- Vividly
- Vocally
- Vocationally
- Vociferously
- Volubly
- Voluntarily
- Voluptuously
- Voraciously
- Vulgarly
- Wanly
- Wantonly
- Warmly
- Warily
- Wastefully
- Watchfully
- Weakly
- Wearily
- Weekly
- Weightlessly
- Weirdly
- Wetly
- Whimsically
- Whole-Heartedly
- Wholly
- Widely
- Wildly
- Wilfully
- Willingly
- Willy-Nilly
- Wisely
- Wistfully
- Wittily
- Woefully
- Wonderfully
- Wondrously
- Woodenly
- Woozily
- Wordlessly
- Worriedly
- Worryingly
- Worthily
- Wrathfully
- Wretchedly
- Wrongfully
- Wrongly
- Wryly
- Yearly
- Youthfully
- Zealously
- Zestfully
- Zonally