Imperative Sentences Definition Structure and Examples

Imperative Sentences! A sentence expressing advice, a request, an order, or a forbidding is called an imperative sentence. We usually end these sentences with a period. We usually leave out the subject, which is understood as ‘You’. We can also use an exclamation mark (!) to end an imperative sentence when it is giving a strong command.

Examples of Imperative Sentences

Imperative Sentences Definition Structure and Examples
  • Sleep early.
  • Don’t drink.
  • Tell me the truth.
  • Stand, everyone!
  • Tidy your bedroom immediately!
  • Find some dark pebbles.
  • Take a cup of tea.
  • Come and look at this, Ahmad!
  • Do it quickly.
  • Stop it!
  • Don’t drop those glasses!
  • Tell me all about your new job.
  • Do your own ironing!
  • Come again the following Monday!
  • Open your books, please.
  • Hurry up!
  • Go to the shop and bring some milk to drink.
  • Please bring all my books.
  • You clear the room at once!
  • Don’t ever repeat this expression!
  • Don’t ever do that again!
  • Leave me alone!
  • Beat it!
  • Shut your mouth!
  • Give me that!
  • Have a heart!
  • Let go!
  • Keep working!
  • Don’t talk about that!
  • Don’t excite the dog!
  • Stand back!
  • Be patient!
  • Sign here, please.
  • Mind your own business.
  • Do be reasonable.
  • Make some room for me!
  • Don’t ever do that again!
  • Hold on tight!
  • You sit over there, Ali.
  • Sit up straight!

Imperative Sentences Expressing Commands

Most imperative sentences that express commands seem to have no subject. For example, you might tell someone, “Go.” It is one word, i.e., only a verb. It does not look like a sentence but is actually a sentence. Most command sentences do not have a visible subject. However, there is an implied subject (You). It is the person you are talking to:

  • Come here.
  • Close the door.
  • Stand up.
  • Speak loudly.
  • Keep quiet.
  • Sit down.
  • Shut up!
  • Get out!
  • About turn.

Imperative Sentences Express Requests

Many imperatives begin with please in which we request something. Imperative sentences that begin and end with, please, have the same meaning. If please is written at the end of an imperative, we precede it by a comma.


  • Be quiet!
  • Fasten your seat belts, please.
  • Please, let me do it.
  • Fill out your bank challan, please.
  • Come back!

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