Adverbs are words that give you more information about particular words (verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs) in a sentence—most adverbs in English end in -ly. E.g., speedily, quickly, momentarily, strongly, etc. But many adverbs we use in our speech and writing don’t have an -ly ending.
Must Read: Complete List of Adverb Ending in -ly
This is the complete list of adverbs that don’t end in -ly that, including adverbs of place, time, frequency, and many other adverbs. But notice that some of these words may also be used as an adjective.
List of All Adverbs that Don’t End in -ly
- Aback
- Aboard
- About
- Above
- Abreast
- Abroad
- Across
- Adagio
- Afar
- Afield
- Afore
- Afoul
- Afresh
- Aft
- After
- Afternoons
- Afterwards
- Again
- Again
- Ago
- Aground
- Ahead
- Ahold
- Alfresco
- Alike
- All
- Allegro
- All Right
- Almost
- Aloft
- Alone
- Along
- Alongside
- Aloud
- Already
- Alright
- Also
- Altogether
- Always
- A.M.
- Amidships
- Amok
- Amply
- Amuck
- Anal
- Any
- Anyhow
- Anymore
- Anyplace
- Anyroad
- Anytime
- Anyway
- Anywhere
- Apace
- Apart
- Apiece
- Apropos
- Aptly
- Aright
- Around
- Ashore
- Aside
- Askance
- Astern
- Astray
- Astride
- Asunder
- At All
- Away
- Awhile
- Awry
- Aye
- Back
- Backstage
- Backward
- Backwards
- Bad
- Bang
- Bareback
- Barefoot
- Before
- Beforehand
- Behind
- Behindhand
- Below
- Beneath
- Besides
- Best
- Better
- Between
- Beyond
- Blindfold
- Bloody
- Blooming
- But
- By
- Cheap
- Citywide
- Clean
- Clear
- Close
- Close-By
- Clockwise
- Collect
- Counter
- Counterclockwise
- Countrywide
- Countywide
- Crabwise
- Cross-Country
- Cross-Legged
- Crosswise
- Damn
- Darn
- Dead
- Deep
- Deep-Down
- Direct
- Dirty
- Ditto
- Double
- Double-Quick
- Doubtless
- Down
- Downhill
- Downmarket
- Downright
- Downriver
- Downstage
- Downstairs
- Downstream
- Downtown
- Downwards
- Downwind
- Due
- Earthwards
- East
- Eastbound
- Eastwards
- Edgeways
- Either
- Else
- Elsewhere
- Endways
- En Masse
- Enough
- En Passant
- En Route
- Entre Nous
- Ergo
- Even
- Evenings
- Ever
- Evermore
- Everyplace
- Everywhere
- Falsetto
- Far
- Farther
- Farthest
- Fast
- Fifty-Fifty
- Filthy
- Fine
- First
- First Class
- First-Hand
- Flat
- Flipping
- Forever
- Forth
- Forthwith
- Forward
- Forwards
- Four-Square
- Free
- Freehand
- Freelance
- Freezing
- Freight
- Frigging
- Fro
- Full
- Full-Time
- Further
- Furthermore
- Furthest
- Great
- Gross
- Half
- Half-Price
- Halfway
- Happen
- Hard
- Headfirst
- Headlong
- Head-On
- Heaps
- Heavenward
- Heavily
- Helluva
- Helter-Skelter
- Henceforth
- Here
- Hereabouts
- Hereafter
- Hereby
- Herein
- Hereinafter
- Hereto
- Heretofore
- Hereupon
- Herewith
- Higgledy-Piggledy
- High
- Hither
- Hitherto
- Homewards
- Hotfoot
- How
- However
- Howsoever
- Ibid
- Ill
- In
- In Absentia
- Incognito
- Indeed
- Indoors
- Industrywide
- In Extremis
- In-House
- Inland
- Inshore
- Inside
- Instead
- Inward
- Irrespective
- Just
- Last
- Late
- Later
- Least
- Leastways
- Left
- Left-Handed
- Leftwards
- Legato
- Lengthways
- Less
- Let
- Lickety-Split
- Like
- Likewise
- Little
- Live
- Long
- Longways
- Loud
- Low
- Maybe
- Meanwhile
- Midway
- Midweek
- Mighty
- Minimum
- More
- Moreover
- Mornings
- Most
- Much
Adverb not Ending in ly
- Natch
- Nationwide
- Near
- Nearby
- Neither
- Never
- Nevertheless
- Next
- Nigh
- Nightlong
- Nights
- Nix
- No
- Nohow
- Nonetheless
- Non-Stop
- Nope
- Noplace
- North
- Northbound
- Northeast
- Northeastwards
- Northwards
- Northwest
- Northwestwards
- Not
- Nothing
- Notwithstanding
- Now
- Nowadays
- Nowhere
- O’clock
- Off
- Offhand
- Off-Key
- Off-Message
- Off-Piste
- Offshore
- Offstage
- Off-The-Peg
- Often
- Okay
- On
- Once
- One-Handed
- Online
- Only
- On-Message
- On-Screen
- Onshore
- Onside
- On-Site
- Onstage
- Onwards
- Opposite
- Otherwise
- Out
- Outdoors
- Outright
- Outside
- Outwards
- Over
- Overall
- Overarm
- Overboard
- Overhand
- Parallel
- Parrot-Fashion
- Part
- Part-Time
- Past
- Percent
- Perchance
- Perforce
- Perhaps
- Piecemeal
- Piggyback
- Pitter-Patter
- Plain
- Plonk
- Plumb
- Point-Blank
- Post-Free
- Posthaste
- Pray
- Precious
- Prompt
- Pronto
- Proper
- Proud
- Pushing
- Quite
- Rather
- Raving
- Real
- Regardless
- Rent-Free
- Retail
- Right
- Rough
- Round
- Same
- Scorching
- Scot-Free
- Second
- Second-Hand
- Seldom
- Sharp
- Sharpish
- Short
- Side-On
- Sidesaddle
- Sideways
- Since
- Sizzling
- Sky-High
- Skyward
- Slantwise
- Sky-High
- Slow
- Smack
- Small
- So
- Someday
- Somehow
- Someplace
- Sometime
- Sometimes
- Someway
- Somewhat
- Somewhere
- Somewhere
- Soon
- Soprano
- South
- Southbound
- Southeast
- Southeastwards
- Southwards
- Southwest
- Southwestwards
- Spanking
- Splash
- Splat
- Staccato
- Stark
- Stateside
- Steady
- Stiff
- Still
- Stock-Still
- Straight
- Straightaway
- Strong
- Supreme
- Sure
- Swell
- Tandem
- That
- Then
- Thence
- Thenceforth
- There
- Thereabouts
- Thereafter
- Thereby
- Therefore
- Therein
- Thereof
- This
- Thither
- Though
- Through
- Throughout
- Thumping
- Thus
- Tight
- Times
- Ting
- To
- Today
- Together
- Tomorrow
- Tonight
- Too
- Top
- Topless
- Treble
- True
- Twice
- Unaided
- Unannounced
- Unawares
- Unbeknown
- Under
- Underarm
- Undercover
- Underfoot
- Underground
- Underhand
- Underneath
- Unnoticed
- Unplugged
- Up
- Up-Country
- Uphill
- Upmarket
- Uppermost
- Upright
- Upriver
- Upstage
- Upstairs
- Upstate
- Upstream
- Up-Tempo
- Uptown
- Upwards
- Upwind
- Verbatim
- Very
- Vice Versa
- Well
- Well-Nigh
- West
- Westbound
- Westwards
- Whacking
- Whatever
- Whatsoever
- When
- Whence
- Whenever
- Where
- Whereabouts
- Whereby
- Wherein
- Wheresoever
- Wherever
- Wholesale
- Wide
- Within
- Without
- Worldwide
- Worse
- Worst
- Wrong
- Yah
- Yea
- Yeah
- Yeh
- Yep
- Yes
- Yesterday
- Yet
- Yonder