Verbs that start with I! This article on verbs provides a complete list of verbs starting with I in English. This list contains about 200 verbs (almost all the regular verbs that you will probably want to learn.
Before we go to the list, let’s define what the verb is. Well, a verb is the parts of speech which express an action or “the doing of something”. Thus, in the simple sentences, “I write”, “He has”, “He will play”, and “We will leave”, the verbs are write, has, will play and will leave.
Must Read: Verbs List that Start with M
A-z List of Verbs that Start with I
- Ice
- Idealize
- Ignite
- Identify
- Ignore
- Idle
- Idolize
- Ignore
- Ill-Treat
- Illuminate
- Illustrate
- Imagine
- Immerse
- Imbed
- Imbibe
- Imitate
- Imbue
- Imitate
- Immerse
- Immigrate
- Impact
- Immobilize
- Impair
- Immolate
- Immortalize
- Impale
- Immunize
- Impact
- Impair
- Impale
- Impanel
- Impel
- Impart
- Impeach
- Impede
- Imperil
- Improve
- Impersonate
- Impinge
- Impress
- Implant
- Implement
- Imprison
- Implicate
- Improvise
- Implode
- Implore
- Imprint
- Impugn
- Impregnate
- Imply
- Import
- Importune
- Impose
- Impound
- Impoverish
- Impute
- Inaugurate
- Inch
- Incapacitate
- Incise
- Incarcerate
- Incense
- Incentivize
- Incinerate
- Incite
- Incorporate
- Incline
- Incur
- Include
- Inconvenience
- Index
- Incubate
- Increase
- Incriminate
- Indict
- Inculcate
- Indemnify
- Indent
- Indenture
- Indicate
- Indoctrinate
- Induce
- Induct
- Indulge
- Industrialize
- Infantilize
- Infer
- Infest
- Inhibit
- Infiltrate
- Inflame
- Inflate
- Ingest
- Infect
- Inflict
- Inhabit
- Influence
- Inform
- Inhale
- Infringe
- Infuriate
- Infuse
- Ingratiate
- Inherit
- Initial
- Initialize
- Initiate
- Inject
- Injure
- Ink
- Innovate
- Inoculate
- Input
- Inquire
- Inscribe
- Inseminate
- Insert
- Insinuate
- Insist
- Inspect
- Inspire
- Install
- Instance
- Instigate
- Instil
- Institute
- Institutionalize
- Instruct
- Insulate
- Insult
- Insure
- Integrate
- Intellectualize
- Intend
- Intensify
- Inter
- Interact
- Interbreed
- Intercede
- Intercept
- Interchange
- Interconnect
- Interest
- Interface
- Interfere
- Interject
- Interlace
- Interlink
- Interlock
- Intermarry
- Intermingle
- Intern
- Internalize
- Internationalize
- Interpolate
- Interpose
- Interpret
- Interrelate
- Interrogate
- Interrupt
- Intersect
- Intersperse
- Intertwine
- Intervene
- Interview
- Interweave
- Intimate
- Intimidate
- Intone
- Intrigue
- Introduce
- Intrude
- Intuit
- Inundate
- Inure
- Inure To
- Invade
- Invalid
- Invalidate
- Inveigh
- Inveigle
- Invent
- Invert
- Invest
- Investigate
- Invigilate
- Invigorate
- Invite
- Invoice
- Invoke
- Involve
- Ionize
- Irk
- Iron
- Irradiate
- Irrigate
- Irritate
- Isolate
- Issue
- Italicize
- Itch
- Itemize
- Iterate
Phrasal Verbs Start with I
What is a phrasal verb? A phrasal verb is a verb that consists of a base verb and at least one particle (a preposition or adverb) or a verb and two particles (an adverb and a preposition, as in look at or look forward to). This list contains all those phrasal verbs that start with I.
- Ice over
- Ice up
- Identify with
- Imbue with
- Immerse in
- Impact on
- Impinge on
- Impose on
- Impress on
- Imprint in
- Imprint on
- Imprint with
- Improve on
- Impute to
- Incline to
- Incline towards
- Indulge in
- Inform on
- Infringe on
- Infuse into
- Infuse with
- Ink in
- Inquire after
- Institute into
- Insist on
- Insist upon
- Insure against
- Interest in
- Interfere with
- Inure to
- Invalid out
- Invest in
- Invite to
- Invite around
- Invite back
- Invite in
- Invite up
- Invite out
- Invite over
- Invite round
- Involve in
- Iron out
- Issue from
- Itch for