List of Irregular Verbs! Most English verbs are regular, i.e., they use the ending -d or -ed. But there are many verbs in English that do not obey the rules. These verbs are called Irregular verbs. There is no easy way to explain how irregular verbs change. We have to learn and memorize their forms.
Must Learn: 50 Examples of Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs Forms (V1 V2 V3) in English
All verbs excluding auxiliary verbs have four main forms, namely the base or present form, the past form, the past participle form, and the continuous or present participle. All irregular verbs in this list have been divided into three categories. The first category includes verbs that are the same in all three forms. The second category includes all those irregular verbs in which two of their forms (past and past participle) are the same. In the third category, all three forms are different.
Verbs that Do not Change in Past Tense and Past Participle
Present | Past | Past Participle |
Bet | Bet | Bet |
Broadcast | Broadcast | Broadcast |
Bid | Bid | Bid |
Bust | Bust | Bust |
Burst | Burst | Burst |
Cast | Cast | Cast |
Cut | Cut | Cut |
Cost | Cost | Cost |
Forecast | Forecast | Forecast |
Hold | Held | Held |
Hit | Hit | Hit |
Let | Let | Let |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt |
Input | Input | Input |
Knit | Knit | Knit |
Offset | Offset | Offset |
Put | Put | Put |
Preset | Preset | Preset |
Quit | Quit | Quit |
Recast | Recast | Recast |
Read | Read | Read |
Reset | Reset | Reset |
Rid | Rid | Rid |
Run | Run | Run |
Set | Set | Set |
Shit | Shit | Shit |
Shed | Shed | Shed |
Split | Split | Split |
Shut | Shut | Shut |
Sweat | Sweat | Sweat |
Slit | Slit | Slit |
Spread | Spread | Spread |
Wet | Wet | Wet |
Thrust | Thrust | Thrust |
Wed | Wed | Wed |
Upset | Upset | Upset |
Irregular Verbs that Have the Same Past and Past Participle
Related: List of Regular Verbs with Rules and Examples
Here are some irregular verbs that do not change in past tense and past participle.
Present | Past | Past participle |
Become | Became | Become |
bend | Bent | Bent |
beseech | Besought | besought |
behold | Beheld | Beheld |
Bethink | Bethought | Bethought |
Breed | Bred | Bred |
bleed | Bled | Bled |
Buy | Bought | Bought |
Burn | Burnt | Burnt |
Bring | Brought | Brought |
Come | Came | Come |
Build | Built | Built |
Catch | Caught | Caught |
Creep | Crept | Crept |
Cling | Clung | Clung |
Deal | Dealt | Dealt |
Dwell | Dwelt | Dwelt |
Dig | Dug | Dug |
Feed | Fed | Fed |
Fight | Fought | Fought |
Feel | Felt | Felt |
Fling | Flung | Flung |
Find | Found | Found |
Get | Got | Got |
Flee | Fled | Fled |
Keep | Kept | kept |
Grind | Ground | Ground |
Have | Had | Had |
Kneel | Knelt | Knelt |
Lead | Led | Led |
Leap | Leapt | Leapt |
Lean | Leant | Leant |
Light | Lit | Lit |
Leave | Left | Left |
Learn | learnt | Learnt |
Lend | Lent | Lent |
Mean | Meant | Meant |
Lose | Lost | Lost |
Make | Made | Made |
Meet | Met | Met |
Plead | Pled | Pled |
Rebuild | Rebuilt | Rebuilt |
Remake | Remade | Remade |
Rewind | Rewound | Rewound |
Rend | Rent | Rent |
Seek | Sought | Sought |
Send | Sent | Sent |
Shoot | Shot | Shot |
Shine | Shone | Shone |
Shrink | Shrank | Shrank |
Sit | Sat | Sat |
Sling | Slung | Slung |
Sleep | Slept | Slept |
Sneak | Snuck | Snuck |
Slink | Slunk | Slunk |
Smell | Smelt | Smelt |
Spell | Spelt | Spelt |
Spit | Spat/spit | Spat/spit |
Spend | Spent | Spent |
spoil | Spoilt | spoilt |
spill | Spilt | spilt |
stand | Stood | stood |
stick | Stuck | stuck |
sweep | Swept | swept |
sting | Stung | stung |
String | Strung | Strung |
Strike | Struck | Struck |
Swing | Swung | Swung |
Teach | Taught | Taught |
Wend | Went | Went |
Think | Thought | Thought |
Weep | Wept | Wept |
Tell | Told | Told |
Win | Won | Won |
Wring | Wrung | Wrung |
Irregular Verbs with All three Forms are Different
List of irregular verbs which have different conjugation in the past and past participle.
Present | Past | Past participle |
Arise | Arose | Arisen |
be (am, are) | was / were | been |
Awake | Awoke | Awoken |
Bear | Bore | Born/borne |
Begin | Began | Begun |
Befall | Befell | Befallen |
Beat | Beat | Beaten |
Beget | begot | Begotten |
Bespeak | Bespoke | Bespoken |
Bid | Bade | Bidden |
Betake | Betook | Betaken |
Bite | Bit | Bitten |
Break | Broke | Broken |
Drink | Drank | Drunk |
Blow | Blew | Blown |
Drive | Drove | Driven |
Choose | Chose | Chosen |
Cleave | Clove | Cloven |
Do | Did | Done |
Draw | Drew | Drawn |
Eat | Ate | Eaten |
Forbid | Forbade | Forbidden |
Fall | Fell | Fallen |
Lie | Lay | Lain |
Fly | Flew | Flown |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten |
Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken |
Redo | Redid | Redone |
Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven |
Give | Gave | Given |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen |
Go | Went | Gone |
Hang | Hung | Hung |
Grow | Grew | Grown |
Partake | Partook | Partaken |
Hide | Hid | Hidden |
Mistake | Mistook | Mistaken |
Know | Knew | Known |
Mow | Mowed | Mown/mowed |
Ring | Rang | Rung |
Ride | Rode | Ridden |
Saw | Sawed | Sawn/sawed |
Rise | Rose | Risen |
See | Saw | Seen |
Sew | Sewed | Sewn/sewed |
Shave | Shove | Shaven |
Shake | Shook | Shaken |
Slay | Slew | Slain |
Shear | Shore | Shorn |
Sing | Sang | Sung |
Sink | Sank | Sunk |
Smite | Smote | Smitten |
Spin | Spun/span | Spun |
Speak | Spoke | Spoken |
Stride | Strode | Stridden |
Spring | sprang | Sprung |
Stink | stank | Stunk |
Steal | Stole | Stolen |
Strew | Strewed | Strewn |
Swear | Swore | Sworn |
Strive | Strove | Striven |
Swim | Swam | Swum |
Thrive | Throve | Thriven |
Take | Took | Taken |
Tear | Tore | Torn |
Wear | Wore | Worn |
Throw | Threw | Thrown |
Undo | Undid | Undone |
Write | Wrote | Written |
Wake | Woke | Woken |
Weave | Wove | Woven |