What are Regular Verbs ?
700+ List of Regular Verbs: Regular verbs are those which take either “d” or “ed” to form past and past participle. The regular verbs use this predictable pattern in changing form.
There are many regular verbs in English. It is impossible to list all of them here, but we have prepared the list of most commonly used regular verbs with some rules.
Rules of Forming Past and Past Participle of Regular Verbs
Rule-1: Those verbs which end in “y” preceded by a consonant change y into I and add ed.
Present Form | Past Form | Past Participle |
Dry | Dried | Dried |
Jolly | Jollied | Jollied |
Levy | Levied | Levied |
Bury | Buried | Buried |
Cry | Cried | Cried |
List Regular Verbs that End in Y
List of some useful regular verbs which form their past and the past participle by this rule.
Accompany | Dillydally | Jollify | Qualify |
Ally | Dirty | Jolly | Quantify |
Amnesty | Disqualify | Levy | Quarry |
Amplify | Dissatisfy | Lobby | Query |
Apply | Diversify | Magnify | Rally |
Atrophy | Dizzy | Microcopy | Ramify |
Autopsy | Dolly | Marry | Rarefy |
Baby | Dry | Modify | Rarify |
Beautify | Dulcify | Multiply | Rely |
Belly | Edify | Minify | Ratify |
Bloody | Electrify | Misapply | Ready |
Bury | Embody | Miscarry | Rectify |
Busy | Emulsify | Mollify | Reedify |
Carry | Esterify | Mortify | Remedy |
Classify | Empty | Muddy | Replevy |
Calcify | Envy | Multiply | Reply |
Canopy | Exemplify | Mummify | Reunify |
Carry | Eddy | Mummy | Revivify |
Copy | Falsify | Mutiny | Rigidify |
Certify | Fantasy | Mystify | Roughdry |
Cry | Flurry | Nitrify | Sanctify |
Chivy | Fancy | Notify | Sally |
Citify | Ferry | Nullify | Sanctify |
Codify | Fry | Objectify | Saponify |
Comply | Glorify | Occupy | Satisfy |
Crucify | Gratify | Ossify | Savvy |
Cully | Guaranty | Oversimplify | Scarify |
Curry | Gully | Pacify | Signify |
Curtsy | Horrify | Ply | Study |
Dandify | Humidify | Purify | Scurry |
Decalcify | Hurry | Parody | Silicify |
Decry | Identify | Parry | Simplify |
Deny | Imply | Personify | Solidify |
Defy | Indemnify | Petrify | Specify |
Deify | Intensify | Photocopy | Speechify |
Denitrify | Intermarry | Pillory | Spy |
Densify | Inventory | Prettify | Steady |
Descry | Justify | Pretty | Stultify |
Detoxify | Jellify | Prophesy | Stupefy |
Devitrify | Jelly | Purify | Sully |
Dignify | Jimmy | Putrefy | Supply |
Clarify | Worry | Verify | Tarry |
Empty | Supply | Vilify | Terrify |
Vary | Typify | Tidy | Try |
Rule-2: Verbs that end in “Y” preceded by a vowel, keep the Y as it is, and add “ED” to form the past and past participle.
Present Form | Past Form | Past Participle |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed |
Play | Played | Played |
Annoy | Annoyed | Annoyed |
Journey | Journeyed | Journeyed |
Survey | Surveyed | Surveyed |
List of regular verbs which form their 2nd and the 3rd form using this rule.
Betray | Delay | Enjoy | Annoy |
Bray | Destroy | Eye | Deploy |
Convey | Disobey | Blarney | Destroy |
Decay | Display | Decay | Disobey |
Embay | Employ | Holiday | Journey |
Essay | Fray | Jockey | Mosey |
Obey | Play | Pray | Splay |
Outplay | Portray | Purvey | Rely |
Survey | Sway | Harry |
Rule-3: If a verb ends in a consonant and a single vowel letter come before that vowel make the final consonant double and then add “ED”
Present Form | Past Form | Past Participle |
Drip | Dripped | Dripped |
Drop | Dropped | Dropped |
Plot | Plotted | Plotted |
Scan | Scanned | Scanned |
Stem | Stemmed | Stemmed |
List of some important regular verbs which form their 2nd and the 3rd form by this rule.
Admit | Dip | Gag | Nod |
Bat | Drag | Grab | Occur |
Beg | Drop | Grip | Omit |
Blur | Fan | Hug | Permit |
Dip | Drip | Drug | Chat |
Flap | Hum | Plan | Chip |
Flop | Kid | Plod | Dim |
Fulfill | Nip | Plot | Fan |
Fog | Fret | Emit | Entrap |
Equal | Equip | Recur | Rot |
Scab | Scat | Refer | Rub |
Scam | Scrub | Regret | Sag |
Scan | Skid | Rob | Sap |
Scar | Slam | Slim | Snap |
Stem | Stir | Slip | Sob |
Step | Stop | Submit | Befit |
Benefit | Bop | Tap | Blot |
Bob | Brim | Bum | Cap |
Chip | Chop | Bus | Chat |
Chisel | Chorus | Chug | Clip |
Clot | Combat | Compel | Clog |
Club | Commit | Con | Cop |
Crib | Dab | Concur | Cram |
Crop | Dam | Dog | Drum |
Duel | Expel | Dot | Dub |
Excel | Fib | Fit | |
Flap | Flip | Flit | Flog |
Flop | Gab | Gad | Gag |
Gallop | Gig | Gossip | Grin |
Grit | Gun | Grab | Grip |
Gum | Gut | Hem | Hog |
Hum | Jar | Gel | Grub |
Jet | Jig | Jut | Ken |
Knot | Label | Lag | Lap |
Lob | Log | Man | Map |
Mar | Mop | Mug | Nab |
Nag | Nap | Net | Nod |
Omit | Overlap | Overstep | Pan |
Pedal | Permit | Pip | Pit |
Plan | Plop | Pop | Quiz |
Plod | Plot | Pot | Rag |
Ram | Rap | Rebut | Recap |
Refit | Remit | Rib | Rig |
Rim | Rip | Rob | Rot |
Rub | Sag | Scan | Scram |
Scrap | Scud | Shag | Sham |
Shrug | Sidestep | Sin | Skid |
Skim | Skin | Skip | Slam |
Slim | Slip | Slog | Slop |
Slot | Slug | Slur | Snap |
Snip | Sob | Span | Spar |
Spot | Squat | Stag | Stem |
Stop | Strut | Sub | Submit |
Strum | Stun | Swab | Swap |
Swop | Tag | Tan | Tap |
Tar | Thin | Throb | Tip |
Top | Transmit | Trap | Travel |
Trim | Trip | Trot | Tug |
Twig | Underpin | Whip | Whop |
Yap | Zip |
Rule-4: The following verbs take “D” or “ED” in the past and past participle
Present Form | Past Form | Past Participle |
Adjust | Adjusted | Adjusted |
Add | Added | Added |
Bless | Blessed | Blessed |
Charge | Charged | Charged |
Default | Defaulted | Defaulted |
Educate | Educated | Educated |
Harm | Harmed | Harmed |
Abash | Abbreviate | Accommodate | Adjust |
Abandon | Accept | Admire | Add |
Abate | Achieve | Acquire | Agree |
Abide | Abdicate | Address | Afford |
Absorb | Abduct | Act | Advise |
Animate | Alight | Announce | Allow |
Answer | Appear | Applaud | Apologize |
Assort | Approach | Argue | Approve |
Astonish | Assert | Arrest | Ask |
Audit | Attract | Attack | Attend |
Accelerate | Avoid | Acknowledge | Accuse |
Abort | Accumulate | Adapt | Account |
Abstract | Achieve | Arrange | Accord |
Abolish | Abridge | Adjust | Adopt |
Advertise | Appreciate | Attest | Advise |
Approve | Attract | Allocate | Attach |
Audit | Appoint | Attack | Attempt |
Attend | |||
Believe | Boil | Balance | Breathe |
Belong | Buzz | Blush | Box |
Belt | Bow | Boast | Bang |
Bless | Blossom | Belong | Bash |
Brush | Blast | Banish | Block |
Behave | Bolt | Board | Bomb |
Brood | Boost | Brush | Border |
Bump | Boycott | ||
Cash | Celebrate | Call | Calculate |
Cause | Capture | Canvass | Charge |
Carve | Cease | Challenge | Cave |
Charge | Center | Cheat | Change |
Check | Call | Choke | Chew |
Calculate | Capture | Cite | Clean |
Change | Carpet | Clash | Close |
Chase | Cloud | Collapse | Collect |
Chat | Command | Collide | Commence |
Commend | Comment | Compact | Compare |
Compete | Complain | Complete | Complicate |
Compose | Confirm | Confuse | Conquer |
Consider | Contain | Contact | Contribute |
Convoy | Cook | Cope | Correct |
Correspond | Corrupt | Count | Cover |
Crack | Cross | Crowd | Crush |
Dance | Decode | Decrease | Default |
Decline | Dehydrate | Deliver | Demolish |
Denote | Depart | Depend | Deport |
Depress | Derive | Desire | Develop |
Detail | Detect | Determine | Die |
Differ | Digest | Direct | Discount |
Discover | Dismiss | Distort | Disturb |
Diverge | Doubt | Draft | Drain |
Drone | Droop | Duplicate | Dye |
Edit | Educate | Effect | Eject |
Elect | Elope | Emboss | Emerge |
Encourage | Enlist | Enrich | Enter |
Equate | Erase | Erode | Erupt |
Escape | Exact | Evaluate | Examine |
Excavate | Exchange | Excite | Exclaim |
Excuse | Exist | Expand | Expect |
Export | Exposé | Express | Extend |
Extract | |||
Fail | Fast | Fault | Figure |
Fill | Fine | Firm | Fix |
Flatter | Flex | Flow | Fold |
Foot | Found | Fuel | Fulfill |
Function | Furnish | ||
Gain | Gamble | Garage | Generalize |
Generate | Glaze | Glitter | Grade |
Gross | Grumble | Gutter | Guzzle |
Hack | Hail | Halt | Hammer |
Happen | Harm | Hate | Haul |
Hear | Heat | Heave | Heckle |
Heft | Hook | Harm | Heal |
Help | Hesitate | Highlight | Hire |
Honor | Hope | ||
Ignore | Imbed | Impact | Impart |
Incite | Increase | Index | Insult |
Invent | Invite | ||
Join | Jump | ||
Kick | Kill | Kiss | Knock |
Land | Last | Latch | Laugh |
Leak | Leer | Lick | Lift |
Limp | Listen | Look | Love |
Manage | March | Mark | Mash |
Match | Matter | Measure | Melt |
Merge | Mew | Migrate | Milk |
Mind | Miss | Mix | Moo |
Mould | Moult | Move | |
Nail | Need | Neglect | Note |
Notice | Oblige | Observe | Obtain |
Open | Protect | Provide | Pull |