Words we use to express an action are called verbs. This is the primary function of every verb, but we use many verbs to describe a state instead of an action. This article includes a list of verbs that start with G, including regular, irregular, and phrasal verbs.
Verbs List Beginning with G in English
Below is the list of 320+ verbs that start with a g. You will need to use verbs in almost every situation, whether you are writing an essay, assignment, email, etc. I hope with this comprehensive list of verbs, you’ll have a better understanding of regular and irregular verbs.
- Gab
- Gabble
- Gach
- Gad
- Gadroon
- Gae
- Gaff
- Gag
- Gage
- Gaggle
- Gain
- Gait
- Galavant
- Gale
- Galivant
- Gall
- Gallant
- Gallery
- Gallet
- Gallivant
- Gallop
- Gally
- Galop
- Galumph
- Galvanize
- Gam
- Gamble
- Gambol
- Game
- Gammon
- Gander
- Gang
- Gang-Bang
- Gangle
- Gangrene
- Gantlet
- Gaol
- Gap
- Gape
- Gar
- Garage
- Garb
- Garbagey
- Garble
- Garden
- Gargle
- Garland
- Garlic
- Garment
- Garner
- Garnish
- Garotte
- Garrison
- Garrote
- Garrotte
- Garter
- Gas
- Gash
- Gasify
- Gasp
- Gast
- Gatch
- Gate
- Gaze
- Gatecrash
- Gawp
- Gather
- Gavotte
- Gawk
- Gauch
- Gazette
- Gavel
- Gauffer
- Gauge
- Gaum
- Gauntlet
- Gazump
- Gazunder
Verbs that Start with Ge
- Gelate
- Gear
- Gee
- Gel
- Geld
- Gem
- Geminate
- Gemmate
- Gen
- Gender
- Generalize
- Generate
- Gentle
- Gentrify
- Genuflect
- Geocache
- Germinate
- Gerrymander
- Gestate
- Gesticulate
- Gesture
- Getter
- Geyser
- Gherao
- Ghetto
- Ghettoize
- Ghost
List of Verbs that Start with Gi
- Gib
- Gibber
- Gibbet
- Gibe
- Giddy
- Gie
- Gift
- Giftwrap
- Gig
- Giggle
- Gild
- Gill
- Gillnet
- Gilly
- Gimbal
- Gimlet
- Gimmick
- Gimp
- Gin
- Ginger
- Gipsy
- Girdle
- Girn
- Girt
- Girth
- Git
- Glace
- Glaciate
- Glad
- Gladden
- Glad-Hand
- Glair
- Glaire
- Glam
- Glamorize
- Glamour
- Glance
- Glisten
- Glare
- Glissade
- Glass
- Glitter
- Glaze
- Glint
- Glimpse
- Gleam
- Glean
- Gleek
- Gleet
- Glide
- Glime
- Glimmer
- Glitz
- Gloat
- Globalize
- Globe
- Gloom
- Gloze
- Glower
- Glop
- Glow
- Glorify
- Glove
- Glout
- Glory
- Gloss
- Glotta
- Glue
- Glug
- Glunch
- Glut
- Glutch
- Gnar
- Gnarl
- Gnarr
- Gnash
- Gnaw
Verbs that Start with Go
- Goad
- Goal
- Gob
- Gobble
- God
- Goeth
- Goffer
- Goggle
- Golf
- Gong
- Goof
- Googolplex
- Goose
- Goosestep
- Gore
- Gorge
- Gorm
- Gossip
- Gouge
- Govern
- Gowaned
- Gown
- Grab
- Grabble
- Grace
- Graph
- Gradate
- Grant
- Grade
- Grain
- Graduate
- Graecize
- Graffiti
- Graft
- Grapple
- Grasp
- Grass
- Grate
- Gratify
- Gratinee
- Grave
- Gravel
- Greet
- Gravitate
- Grid
- Gray
- Graze
- Grey
- Grease
- Greenwash
- Greaten
- Grecize
- Gree
- Green
- Griddle
- Gride
- Gridiron
- Gridlock
- Grieve
- Grift
- Grill
- Grimace
- Grime
- Grin
- Grip
- Gripe
- Grit
- Grizzle
- Groan
- Groin
- Grok
- Grommet
- Groom
- Groove
- Grope
- Gross
- Grouch
- Ground
- Group
- Grouse
- Grout
- Grovel
- Growl
- Grub
- Grudge
- Gruel
- Gruff
- Grumble
- Grummet
- Grump
- Grunt
- Gruntle
- Grutch
- Guarantee
- Guaranty
- Guard
- Gudgeon
- Guerdon
- Guess
- Guest
- Guffaw
- Guggle
- Guide
- Guile
- Guillotine
- Guilt
- Guilt-Trip
- Guise
- Gulf
- Gull
- Gully
- Gulp
- Gum
- Gumshoe
- Gun
- Gunge
- Gunk
- Gunkhole
- Gurge
- Gurgle
- Gurgle
- Gush
- Gusset
- Gussie
- Gussy
- Gust
- Gut
- Gutter
- Guttle
- Guy
- Guzzle
- Gybe
- Gyp
- Gypsy
- Gyrate
- Gyre
- Gyve
Irregular Verbs that Start with G with Past & Past Participle Forms
Present | Past | Past Participle |
Gunfight | Gunfought | Gunfought |
Grow | Grew | Grown |
Gainsay | Gainsaid | Gainsaid |
Grind | Ground | Ground |
Go | Went | Gone |
Give | Gave | Given |
Gird | Girded, Girded or Girt, Girt | Girded, Girded or Girt, Girt |
Get | Got | Got |
Phrasal verbs Start G
- Gad about/around (somewhere)
- Gain on
- Gallop through
- Gamble on
- Gang up
- Gas up
- Gear to/towards
- Gear up
- Gee up
- Gen up
- Get about
- Get across
- Get at
- Get ahead
- Get along
- Get away with
- Get around
- Get back
- Get away
- Get in
- Get back to
- Get down to
- Get behind
- Get by
- Get down
- Get in/get into
- Get in on
- Get into
- Get off
- Get off on
- Get off with
- Get on
- Get on to/onto
- Get out
- Get out of
- Get over
- Get over with
- Get round (somewhere)
- Get round to
- Get through
- Get to
- Get together
- Get up
- Get yourself up
- Get up to
- Ginger up
- Give away
- Give back
- Give in
- Give off
- Give onto
- Give over
- Give over to
- Give yourself over/up to
- Give up
- Give yourself up
- Glam (yourself) up
- Glance off
- Glass in/over
- Glom onto
- Glory in
- Gloss over
- Gnaw away at
- Go about
- Go after
- Go against
- Go ahead
- Go along
- Go along with
- Go around
- Go at
- Go away
- Go back
- Go back on
- Go back to
- Go by
- Go down
- Go down on
- Go down with
- Go for
- Go in
- Go round (somewhere)
- Go in for
- Go to
- Go into
- Go through with
- Go off
- Go off with
- Go on
- Go through
- Go round
- Go out
- Go out to
- Go over
- Go over to
- Go together
- Go under
- Go up
- Go up to
- Go with
- Go without
- Gobble up
- Goof around
- Goof off
- Gouge out
- Grab at
- Grapple with
- Grasp at
- Grass on
- Grass over
- Gravitate towards/to
- Grind down
- Grind into
- Grope for
- Gross out
- Grow apart
- Grow out of
- Grow into
- Grub up/out
- Grow on
- Grow up
- Guard against
- Guess at
- Gulp back
- Gum up
- Gun down
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