Formation of Adjectives from Nouns! Many adjectives exist independently of any other word or are the root word of a word family. For example, good and bad, etc. But many adjectives derive from other words such as verbs, nouns, and other adjectives.
In this article we will look at 300+ adjectives formed from nouns. Formation of adjectives from nouns examples includes lucky from luck, magical from magic, bookish from a book, and so on.
How Are Adjectives Formed from Nouns?
Adjectives can be formed from nouns by adding suffixes. Some common suffixes that we can add to nouns to form adjectives include
-y, -ly, -ary, -al, -ial, -lyor -ish, -ic, -etic -ical, -ous, -eous, -ious, -some, -able, -full, -en, -less, -like, -able, -ate, -ed, -ing, -ese
Adjectives can be formed from nouns to express the quality of the noun.
Formation of Adjectives from Nouns
Nouns | Adjectives |
Abdomen | Abdominal |
Abhorrence | Abhorrent |
Abortion | Abortive |
Abrasion | Abrasive |
Absence | Absent |
Abstinence | Abstinent |
Abstract | Abstracted |
Abundance | Abundant, Abundantly |
Abuse | Abusive |
Abyss | Abyssal |
Academia | Academic |
Accent | Accented |
Access | Accessible |
Accident | Accidental |
Account | Accountable |
Accreditation | Accredited |
Accusative | Accusatory |
Accuser | Accusing |
Ache | Achy |
Acquisition | Acquisitive |
Acrobat | Acrobatic |
Action | Actionable |
Adapter | Adaptive |
Addict | Addictive |
Addition | Additional |
Adenoids | Adenoidal |
Adherence | Adherent |
Adhesion | Adhesive |
Adjective | Adjectival |
Administration | Administrative |
Admirer | Admiring |
Adoption | Adoptive |
Adulation | Adulatory |
Adultery | Adulterous |
Advantage | Advantageous |
Artist | Artistic |
Atom | Atomic |
America | American |
Alexandria | Alexandria |
Awe | Awesome |
Baby | Babyish |
Backhand | Backhanded |
Backlash | Backless |
Bacteria | Bacterial |
Bacteriology | Bacteriological |
Bagger | Baggy |
Balance | Balanced |
Bale | Baleful |
Balk | Balkan |
Ballet | Balletic |
Balls | Ballsy, Bally |
Balm | Balmy |
Balti | Baltic |
Ban | Banal |
Band | Bandy |
Bank | Bankable |
Banter | Bantering |
Barbarity | Barbarous |
Barker | Barking |
Barre | Barred |
Base | Baseless |
Bash | Bashful |
Batter | Battered |
Bead | Beaded |
Bear | Bearable |
Beard | Beardless |
Bearing | Bearish |
Beastie | Beastly |
Beat | Beaten |
Beaut | Beauteous |
Beauty | Beautiful |
Beef | Beefy |
Boy | Boyish |
Brute | Brutish, Brutal |
Bounty | Bountiful |
Cadaver | Cadaverous |
Cage | Cagey |
Calamity | Calamitous |
Cambodia | Cambodian |
Canada | Canadian |
Cancer | Cancerous |
Canon | Canonical |
Cap | Capable |
Capitalist | Capitalistic |
Caprice | Capricious |
Caption | Captious |
Carbon | Carbonic |
Carcinogen | Carcinogenic |
Care | Careful, Careless |
Carnivore | Carnivorous |
Carrot | Carroty |
Cash | Cashless |
Cataclysm | Cataclysmic |
Catalepsy | Cataleptic |
Catalysis | Catalytic |
Catastrophe | Catastrophic |
Catch | Catching, Catchy |
Caterer | Catering |
Cattle | Catty |
Causation | Causative |
Cause | Caustic |
Caution | Cautionary, Cautious |
Cavern | Cavernous |
Cease | Ceaseless |
Celebration | Celebratory |
Critic | Critical |
Child | Childish, Childlike |
China | Chinese |
Contempt | Contemptuous |
Cost | Costly |
Courage | Courageous |
Dag | Daggy |
Damage | Damaged, Damaging |
Damn | Damnable, Damned |
Damned | Damnedest |
Danger | Dangerous |
Dare | Daring |
Dash | Dashed, Dashing |
Daze | Dazed, Dazzling |
Deadlock | Deadlocked |
Dear | Dearest |
Death | Deathless, Deathly |
Decadence | Decadent |
Decease | Deceased, Deceitful |
Decency | Decent |
Deception | Deceptive |
Decision | Decisive |
Decoration | Decorative, Decorous |
Defamation | Defamatory |
Defect | Defective |
Defence | Defenceless |
Deference | Deferential |
Defiance | Defiant |
Deficiency | Deficient |
Definition | Definitive |
Deflation | Deflationary |
Degenerate | Degenerative |
Delay | Delayed |
Delicacy | Delicate |
Delight | Delighted, Delightful |
Demagogue | Demagogic |
Doubt | Doubtful |
Dog | Doglike |
Dispute | Disputatious, Disputable |
Dirt | Dirty |
Adjectives Formed from Nouns Examples
Nouns | Adjectives |
Earl | Early |
Earner | Earnest |
Earth | Earthen, Earthly, Earthy |
Easter | Easterly, Eastern |
Ease | Easy |
Ecstasy | Ecstatic |
Edge | Edged |
Edging | Edgy, Edible |
Education | Educational, Educative |
Effect | Effective |
Effector | Effectual |
Efficiency | Efficient |
Effigy | Effing |
Effort | Effortless |
Effusion | Effusive |
Egg | Eggy |
Egotist | Egotistic |
Egypt | Egyptian |
Elder | Elderly, Eldest |
Elect | Elective |
Elector | Electoral, Electric, Electrical |
Electrolyte | Electrolytic |
Electron | Electronic |
Element | Elemental, Elementary |
Elf | Elfin |
Emblem | Emblematic |
Emotion | Emotional |
Envy | Envious |
Fable | Fabled |
Facet | Facetious |
Faction | Factional, Factitious |
Faeces | Faecal |
Fail | Failed, Failing |
Faith | Faithful, Faithless |
Fall | Fallen, Fallible, Falling, Fallacious |
Fame | Famed, Famous |
Fanatic | Fanatical |
Fancier | Fanciful |
Farce | Farcical |
Fashion | Fashionable |
Fat | Fatal |
Fatalist | Fatalistic |
Fate | Fated, Fateful |
Fathead | Fatheaded |
Father | Fatherless, Fatherly |
Fatty | Fatuous |
Fault | Faultless, Faulty |
Favor | Favorable |
Fawn | Fawning |
Fear | Fearful, Fearless, Fearsome |
Feather | Feathery |
Feature | Featureless |
Fee | Feeble |
Feed | Feeder |
Feta | Fetal |
Fool | Foolish |
Fortune | Fortunate |
Friend | Friendly |
Gable | Gabled |
Gain | Gainful |
Gall | Gallic, Galling |
Gamma | Gammy |
Gangrene | Gangrenous |
Gas | Gaseous, Gassy, Gastric |
Gauze | Gauzy |
Geek | Geeky |
Gelatine | Gelatinous |
Genera | General |
Genocide | Genocidal |
Gentleman | Gentlemanly |
Geophysics | Geophysical |
Geopolitics | Geopolitical |
Georgia | Georgian |
Genealogy | Genealogical |
Glory | Glorious |
Gold | Golden |
God | Godlike |
Girl | Girlish |
Heaven | Heavenly |
Health | Healthy |
Hero | Heroic |
Hill | Hilly |
Hope | Hopeful |
Honor | Honorable |
Habit | Habitable, Habitual, Habituated |
Hematology | Hematological |
Hagiography | Hagiographic |
Hair | Hairless, Hairy |
Haiti | Haitian |
Half-Wit | Half-Witted |
Hallucination | Hallucinatory |
Hallucinogen | Hallucinogenic |
Halter | Halting |
Hand | Handy, Handsome |
Handwriting | Handwritten |
Hardening | Hardened |
Harm | Harmful, Harmless |
Harmonic | Harmonious |
Haste | Hasty |
Hate | Hateful |
Haunt | Haunted, Haunting |
Hawk | Hawkish |
Hazard | Hazardous |
Haze | Hazel, Hazy |
Headache | Headachy |
Head | Headless, Heady |
Health | Healthful, Healthy |
Industry | Industrial |
Ink | Inky |
King | Kingly |
Labor | Laborious |
Laugh | Laughable |
Love | Lovely |
Man | Manly |
Mountain | Mountainous |
Moon | Moonlike |
Need | Needy |
Nation | National |
North | Northern |
Form Adjectives from The Following Nouns
Noun | Adjectives |
Pain | Painful, Painless |
Passion | Passionate |
Peace | Peaceful |
Play | Playful |
Pleasure | Pleasurable |
Point | Pointed |
Pomp | Pompous |
Pity | Piteous, Pitiful |
Prince | Princely |
Progress | Progressive |
Proportion | Proportionate |
Portugal | Portuguese |
Quarrel | Quarrelsome |
Ridicule | Ridiculous |
Room | Roomy |
Respect | Respectable |
Sense | Sensible, Senseless |
Sick | Sicken |
Silk | Silken |
Slave | Slavish |
Shame | Shameless |
Sense | Senseless |
Sudan | Sudanese |
South | Southern |
Tempest | Tempestuous |
Thought | Thoughtful |
Trouble | Troublesome |
Time | Timely |
Wealth | Wealthy |
Wonder | Wonderful |
Woman | Womanish, Womanly |
Wood | Wooden |
Wool | Woolen |
Whole | Wholesome |
West | Western |
Related Articles:
- Comparison of Adjectives
- 100 Examples of Adjectives in Sentences
- 10 Examples of Adjectives and Sentences