English regular and irregular verbs that start with F! If you want to add more words to your memory, you’ll definitely find this article helpful. Everyone struggles in their language journey to confidently use English to communicate well, and I believe everyone can find this article on English verbs helpful. For beginners, mastering verbs will enhance your ability to learn English. This article also includes 120+ phrasal verbs that start with f.
List of Verbs that Start with F
Let us start to refresh your memory of what a verb is. A verb tells us about an action/activity, a process, or a state of something. A complete sentence must have at least one verb.
Must Read: Verbs that Start with A
- Fable
- Fabricate
- Fabulate
- Facelift
- Facet
- Facilitate
- Factor
- Factorize
- Fallow
- Falsify
- Falter
- Familiarize
- Fancify
- Fancy
- Fanfold
- Fantasize
- Fantasy
- Faradize
- Farewell
- Farrow
- Fascinate
- Fashion
- Fasten
- Fast-Forward
- Fast-Talk
- Fast-Track
- Fatfinger
- Fathom
- Fatigue
- Fatten
- Favor
- Feather
- Featherbed
- Feature
- Federate
- Fedex
- Fellow
- Feminize
- Fenagle
- Feoff
- Ferrel
- Ferret
- Ferrule
- Ferry
- Fertilize
- Ferule
- Fester
- Festoon
- Fetter
- Fettle
- Fever
Verbs that Start with Fi
- Fiberize
- Fictionalize
- Fiddle
- Fidget
- Figure
- Filagree
- Filarial
- Filet
- Filiate
- Filibuster
- Filigree
- Fillet
- Fillip
- Filter
- Filtrate
- Finagle
- Finalize
- Finance
- Finesse
- Fine-Tune
- Fingerprint
- Finish
- Firebomb
- Firefang
- Firefight
- Fishtail
- Fission
- Fissure
- Fixate
- Fizzle
List of Verbs that Start with Fl
- Flabbergast
- Flagellate
- Flambe
- Flannel
- Flash-Fry
- Flatfoot
- Flatline
- Flatten
- Flatter
- Flattish
- Flavor
- Flawless
- Flehmen
- Flemish
- Flichter
- Flicker
- Flimflam
- Flip-Flop
- Flitter
- Floreat
- Flounder
- Flourish
- Flower
- Fluctuate
- Fluidize
- Flummox
- Fluoridate
- Fluster
- Flutter
- Flyblow
- Flyspeck
- Fly-Tip
- Focalize
- Focus
- Fodder
- Foliate
- Folio
- Follow
- Foment
- Fondle
- Fondue
- Footle
- Footnote
- Footslog
- Foozle
Verbs that Start with For
- Forage
- Foray
- Forbear
- Forbode
- Force-Feed
- Fordo
- Forearm
- Forebode
- Forecast
- Foreclose
- Foredate
- Foredo
- Foredoom
- Forefeel
- Forefend
- Forego
- Foreground
- Forelock
- Foresee
- Foreshadow
- Foreshorten
- Foreshow
- Forest
- Foretell
- Forewarn
- Forfeit
- Forfend
- Forget
- Forgive
- Forjudge
- Forklift
- Formalize
- Format
- Formulate
- Fornicate
- Forswear
- Fortify
- Fortress
- Fortune
- Forward
- Fossick
- Fossilize
- Foster
- Founder
- Fountain
- Foxhunt
- Foxtrot
List of Verbs that Start with Fr
- Fraction
- Fracture
- Fragment
- Franchise
- Francize
- Fraternize
- Frazzle
- Freckle
- Freebase
- Freeboot
- Freelance
- Freeload
- Freewheel
- Freeze-Dry
- Freight
- Frenzy
- Frequent
- Fresco
- Freshen
- Fribble
- Frighten
- Fritter
- Frivol
- Frizzle
- Frogmarch
- Frolic
- Fronded
- Fructify
- Frustrate
Verbs that Start with Fu
- Fuddle
- Fuel
- Fugle
- Fulfil
- Fuller
- Fulminate
- Fulmine
- Fumble
- Fumigate
- Function
- Fundraise
- Funnel
- Furbelow
- Furbish
- Furcate
- Furlough
- Furnace
- Furnish
- Furrow
- Further
- Future-Proof
One-Syllable Verbs that Start With F
- Face
- Fade
- Fadge
- Faff
- Fail
- Faint
- Fair
- Faith
- Fake
- Fame
- Fan
- Farce
- Fard
- Fare
- Farm
- Fart
- Fash
- Fast
- Fat
- Fate
- Father
- Fault
- Fawn
- Fax
- Fay
- Faze
- Fear
- Fease
- Feast
- Feaze
- Fee
- Feeze
- Feign
- Feint
- Fell
- Felt
- Fence
- Fend
- Ferment
- Fess
- Fet
- Fetch
- Fete
- Feu
- Feud
- Fib
- Fidge
- Field
- Fife
- Fig
- Filch
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Fin
- Fine
- Finger
- Fink
- Fire
- Firm
- Fish
- Fist
- Fit
- Fix
- Fizz
- Flack
- Flag
- Flail
- Flake
- Flam
- Flame
- Flange
- Flank
- Flap
- Flare
- Flash
- Flat
- Flaunt
- Flaw
- Flay
- Fledge
- Flee
- Fleece
- Fleech
- Fleer
- Fleet
- Flench
- Flense
- Flesh
- Fletch
- Flex
- Fley
- Flick
- Flight
- Flinch
- Flint
- Flip
- Flirt
- Flit
- Flitch
- Flite
- Float
- Floc
- Flock
- Flog
- Flood
- Floor
- Flop
- Floss
- Flounce
- Flour
- Flout
- Flow
- Flub
- Fluff
- Fluke
- Flume
- Flump
- Flunk
- Flurry
- Flush
- Flute
- Flux
- Fly
- Flyte
- Foal
- Foam
- Fob
- Fog
- Foil
- Foin
- Foist
- Fold
- Fond
- Fool
- Foot
- Fop
- Force
- Ford
- Forge
- Fork
- Form
- Foul
- Fowl
- Fox
- Verbs that start with G
- Frack
- Frag
- Frame
- Frank
- Frap
- Fraught
- Fray
- Freak
- Free
- French
- Fresh
- Fret
- Friend
- Frig
- Fright
- Frill
- Fringe
- Frisk
- Frit
- Frizz
- Frock
- Frog
- Front
- Frost
- Froth
- Frounce
- Frown
- Frowst
- Frug
- Fruit
- Fry
One-syllable Verbs that Start with Fu
- Fub
- Fudge
- Fug
- Fugue
- Full
- Fume
- Fun
- Fund
- Funk
- Fur
- Furl
- Fuse
- Fuss
- Futz
- Fuze
- Fuzz
Irregular Verbs that Starts with F with Past and Past Participle Forms
Irregular verbs in English are common, and learning them will help you to master the language quickly. This list of 22 irregular verbs starts with F with their past and past participle forms.
- Fall (fell, fallen)
- Feed (fed, fed)
- Feel (felt, felt)
- Fight (fought, fought)
- Find (found, found)
- Flee (fled, fled)
- Fling (flung, flung)
- Fly (flew, flown)
- Forbear (forbore, forborne)
- Forbid (forbad, forbidden)
- Forecast (forecast, forecast or forecasted, forecasted)
- Forego (forewent, foregone)
- Foreknow (foreknew, foreknown)
- Forerun (foreran, forerun)
- Foresee (foresaw, foreseen)
- Foretell (foretold, foretold)
- Forget (forgot, forgotten)
- Forgive (forgave, forgiven)
- Forsake (forsook, forsaken)
- Forswear (forswore, forsworn)
- Freeze (froze, frozen)
120+ Phrasal Verbs Start with F
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb plus a preposition or adverb, or both that functions as a verb. A phrasal verb’s meaning differs from the combined meanings of the individual words. The following are 120+ phrasal verbs that start with f.
- Face up to
- Factor in
- Fade away
- Fade in
- Fade out
- Faff about/around
- Fall about
- Fall apart
- Fall away
- Fall away/off
- Fall back
- Fall back on
- Fall behind
- Fall down
- Fall down on
- Fall for
- fall from
- fall in
- fall in with
- fall into
- fall off
- fall on/upon
- fall on
- fall out
- fall over
- fall through
- fall to
- fan out
- farm out
- fart about/around
- fasten on/upon
- fatten up
- favor with
- fawn on/upon
- fawn over/on
- fear for
- feast on
- feed off/on
- feed up
- feel for
- feel up
- fence in
- fence off
- fend for yourself
- fend off
- ferret out
- fess up
- fetch up
- fiddle about/around
- fiddle about/around with
- fight back
- figure out
- file for
- fill in/out
- fill in
- fill out
- fill up
- film over
- filter in
- find out
- finish off
- finish up
- finish with
- fink on
- fink out
- fire off
- fire up
- firm up
- fish out
- fit in
- fit in with
- fit out
- fit up
- fix up
- fizzle out
- flag down
- flake out
- flash around/about
- flash back
- flesh out
- flick on/off
- flick through
- flinch from doing
- fling on/off
- fling out
- flip through
- flirt with
- float around/about
- flood with
- fluff up
- flunk out
- flush out
- fly about/around
- fly at
- fob off
- focus on/upon
- fog up
- foist on/upon
- fold in/fold into something
- follow on
- follow through
- follow through
- follow up
- fool around/about
- forge ahead
- fork out
- fork over/up
- foul up
- free from/of
- freeze out
- freshen up
- frig about/around
- frighten away/off
- frighten into
- fritter away
- front for
- frown on/upon
- function as
- furnish with
- fuss over