Verbs that start with the prefix Re! In English, using prefixes is an easy way to increase vocabulary. The prefixes turn words you already know into new words. For example, the verbs ‘align’ means put things into a straight line. When we add the prefix re to this verb, that will become realign, which means putting things in the correct position. Thus, the prefix has changed the meaning of the word. In this article, you will learn 476 common word verbs containing the RE prefix.
Must Read: Complete List of Verbs that Start with P
Verbs with Prefix Re (Verbs Starting with Re)
The prefix re- means again. We add this prefix to verbs, especially to verbs, to make new words. For example, rebuild from build, reusable from usable etc. Following is a list of verbs containing the prefix RE-
Prefix Re Verbs
- Reabsorb
- Readjust
- Reaccede
- Readdict
- Reaccent
- Readmit
- Reaccept
- Readopt
- Reaccuse
- Readapt
- Readorn
- Reaffirm
- Reaffix
- Realign
- Reallot
- Realter
- Reannex
- Reanoint
- Reappear
- Reapply
- Reargue
- Rearouse
- Rearrest
- Reascend
- Reassail
- Reavail
- Reassert
- Reattain
- Reassess
- Reattack
- Reassign
- Reavow
- Reassort
- Rebloom
- Reassume
- Rebill
- Reassure
- Reboard
- Reattach
- Rebait
- Rebody
- Reboil
- Rebook
- Reboot
- Rebore
- Rebottle
- Rebreed
- Rebury
- Rebutton
33 Verbs that Start with Rec
- Recane
- Recarpet
- Recarry
- Recement
- Recensor
- Rechange
- Recharge
- Rechart
- Recheck
- Rechew
- Recircle
- Reclad
- Reclasp
- Reclean
- Reclothe
- Recoal
- Recoat
- Recock
- Recode
- Recodify
- Recoin
- Recolor
- Recolour
- Recomb
- Recommit
- Reconfer
- Recook
- Recopy
- Recork
- Recouple
- Recrate
- Recross
- Recrown
Verbs that Start with Red
- Redamage
- Redecide
- Redefeat
- Redefect
- Redefine
- Redefy
- Redemand
- Redeny
- Redeploy
- Redesign
- Redial
- Redigest
- Redivide
- Redo
- Redock
- Redream
- Redrill
- Reearn
- Reecho
- Reedit
- Reeject
- Reelect
- Reembark
- Reembody
- Reemerge
- Reemit
- Reemploy
- Reenact
- Reendow
- Reengage
- Reenjoy
- Reenlist
- Reenroll
- Reenter
- Reequip
- Reerect
- Reevoke
- Reexpel
- Reexport
- Reexpose
List of Verbs that Start with Ref
- Refasten
- Refeed
- Refeel
- Refence
- Refigure
- Refile
- Refill
- Refilm
- Refilter
- Refire
- Refloat
- Reflood
- Reflower
- Refocus
- Refold
- Reforge
- Reformat
- Reframe
- Refreeze
- Refront
- Refuel
- Regain
- Regather
- Regauge
- Regear
- Regild
- Reglaze
- Regloss
- Reglow
- Reglue
- Regrade
- Regraft
- Regrant
- Regreen
- Regrind
- Regroom
- Regroove
- Regroup
- Regrow
- Rehammer
- Rehandle
- Rehang
- Reharden
- Rehash
- Rehear
- Reheat
- Reheel
- Rehem
- Rehinge
- Rehire
- Reignite
- Reimage
- Reimport
- Reimpose
- Reincite
- Reincur
- Reindex
- Reindict
- Reinjure
- Reinduce
- Reinfuse
- Reinduct
- Reinject
- Reinfect
- Reinsert
- Reinform
- Reinsure
- Reinter
- Reinvade
- Reinvent
- Reinvest
- Reinvite
- Reinvoke
- Reissue
- Rejacket
- Rejoin
- Rejudge
- Rejuggle
- Rekey
- Rekindle
- Reknit
- Reknot
- Relabel
- Relace
- Reland
- Relaunch
- Relearn
- Relend
- Reletter
- Relight
- Reline
- Relink
- Relist
- Reload
- Reloan
- Relock
- Relook
Verbs that Start with Rem
- Remail
- Remap
- Remarket
- Remarry
- Remaster
- Rematch
- Remate
- Remelt
- Remend
- Remerge
- Remodify
- Remold
- Remould
- Remount
- Renail
- Rename
- Renest
- Renotify
- Renumber
- Reobject
- Reobtain
- Reopen
- Reoccupy
- Reoppose
- Reoccur
- Reordain
- Reoffend
- Reorder
- Reorient
- Reoutfit
Verbs that Start with Rep
- Repacify
- Repack
- Repaint
- Repanel
- Repaper
- Repark
- Repass
- Repatch
- Repave
- Repeople
- Reperk
- Rephrase
- Replan
- Replant
- Replate
- Replay
- Replead
- Repledge
- Replot
- Replow
- Replumb
- Replunge
- Repoint
- Repolish
- Repoll
- Repour
- Repower
- Reprice
- Reprint
- Reprobe
- Repump
- Repurify
- Repursue
- Rerack
- Reraise
- Reread
- Rerecord
- Reremind
- Rerent
- Rerepeat
- Rereview
- Reroll
- Reroof
- Reroute
- Resaddle
- Resail
- Resalute
- Resample
- Reschool
- Rescore
- Rescreen
- Resculpt
- Reseal
- Reseason
- Reseat
- Resecure
- Resee
- Reseed
- Reseek
- Reseize
- Reselect
- Resell
- Resend
- Resettle
- Reshape
- Reshave
- Reshine
- Reship
- Reshoe
- Reshoot
- Reshow
- Reshower
- Resift
- Resight
- Resilver
- Resite
- Resize
- Resketch
- Reslate
- Resmelt
- Resmooth
- Resoak
- Resoften
- Resold
- Resolder
- Resole
- Respace
- Respade
- Respeak
- Respell
- Resplice
- Resplit
- Respool
- Respot
- Respray
- Respread
- Respring
- Resprout
- Restable
- Restack
- Restaff
- Restage
- Restamp
- Restart
- Restate
- Restitch
- Restock
- Restoke
- Restress
- Restrike
- Restring
- Restrive
- Restudy
- Restuff
- Restyle
- Resubmit
- Resummon
- Resupply
- Resurvey
- Retack
- Retackle
- Retailor
- Retally
- Retape
- Retarget
- Retaste
- Reteach
- Reteam
- Retear
- Retell
- Retemper
- Retest
- Rethink
- Rethread
- Retile
- Retime
- Retint
- Retitle
- Retotal
- Retrack
- Retrain
- Retrim
- Retune
- Retwist
- Retype
- Reunify
- Reunite
- Reutter
- Revalue
- Reverify
- Revest
- Review
- Revisit
- Revoice
- Revote
- Rewake
- Rewaken
- Rewarm
- Rewash
- Rewear
- Reweave
- Reweigh
- Reweld
- Rewiden
- Rewind
- Rewire
- Rework
- Rewrap
- Rezone
Irregular Verbs that Start with with the Prefix Re
- Reawake
- Rebegin
- Rebid
- Rebind
- Reblend
- Rebuild
- Rebuy
- Rewrite
- Recast
- Rechoose
- Recut
- Redraw
- Redrive
- Refall
- Refight
- Refind
- Reflow
- Regive
- Remake
- Remeet
- Rerise
5-letter Words Verbs with Prefix Re
- Rewin
- Rearm
- Redate
- Redip
- Redon
- Redry
- Redub
- Redye
- Refix
- Refly
- Refry
- Reink
- Relay
- Relet
- Remix
- Reoil
- Repeg
- Repin
- Repot
- Rerig
- Resaw
- Resay
- Reset
- Resew
- Resit
- Resod
- Resow
- Retag
- Retax
- Retie
- Retry
- Reuse
- Rewax
- Rewed
- Rewet
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with k
- Verbs that Start with O
- 447 English Verbs that End with ER