Grammar Quiz

English Grammar for everyone

50 Verbs with Past and Past Participles! A valuable list of 50 verbs in English that include both regular and irregular verbs with past (V2) and past participle (V3) forms. The verb is essential in any language, including English. They are easy to learn with their forms; however, irregular verbs can become very confusing. These 50 verbs with past and past participles forms will help English learners construct sentences and get them to a position where they will have a rich vocabulary of English verbs.

Must Learn: English Verb Definition and Types with Examples

What Are 50 Verbs with Past and Past Participle?

Useful List of 50 Verbs with Past and Past Participles-1
PresentPastPast Participle
Abolish Abolished Abolished 
Absorb AbsorbedAbsorbed
Accept AcceptedAccepted
Awake AwokeAwoken
Beautify BeautifiedBeautified
Billow BillowedBillowed
Bail BailedBailed
Bend Bentbent
Bleed Bled Bled
Calcify CalcifiedCalcified
Calm CalmedCalmed
Cleave CloveCloven
Blow (blew, blown)
Creep CreptCrept
Crow Crew Crew 
Dare DaredDared
Drive DroveDriven
Dig DugDug
Earn (earned, EarnedEarned
Edify EdifiedEdified
Edit EditedEdited
Falsify FalsifiedFalsified

Examples of 50 Verbs and Their Forms (Past & Past Participle)

Useful List of 50 Verbs with Past and Past Participles-2
PresentPastPast Participle
Feature Featured Featured
Fertilize FertilizedFertilized
Feed FedFed
Flee FledFled
Idealize IdealizedIdealized
Grind GroundGround
Identify IdentifiedIdentified
Gird Girded/GirtGirded/Girt
Hew Hewed or HewnHewed or Hewn
Hit HitHit
Ken Kenned Kenned
Knit Knitted or KnitKnitted or Knit
Lactate Lactated Lactated
Leach LeachedLeached

Examples of Verbs with Present Past and Past Participle

PresentPastPast Participle
Lead LedLed
Lie Lay Lain
Magnetize MagnetizedMagnetized
Magnify MagnifiedMagnified
Mean MeantMeant
Meet MetMet
Notify NotifiedNotified
Pacify PacifiedPacified
Pack PackedPacked
Plead Pleaded/PledPleaded/Pled
Rain RainedRained
Read ReadRead
Table Tabled Tabled
Rend RentRent

Definition of Important Terms Related to Verbs

What is an Irregular Verb?

Irregular verbs are verbs that don’t take the regular pattern -d, -ed, or -ied to form past (v2) and past participle (v3); for example, the verbs go, know, sleep, and cut are irregular verbs.

What Does Past Participle Mean?

The past participle means the third form of a verb. The two types of past participle are regular and irregular. For example, played, gone, and turned are the past participles of play, go and turn, respectively.

What is a Present Participle?

The present participle is a form of verb formed by adding -ing to the present or base form going from go, sleeping from sleep.

What are Examples of Present Participle?

Many examples of present participle exist, but we will list a few here. Some common examples are walking, talking, doing, ruling, going, turning, tracking, etc.

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